The Existence of Weak Solutions to Non-homogeneous A -Dirac Equations with Dirichlet Boundary Data
Yueming Lu,Gejun Bao
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
Abstract:This paper is concerned with the weak solutions to a class of non-homogeneous A-Dirac equations DA(x, u, Du) + B(x, u, Du) = 0 with the Dirichlet boundary data. By means of the Poincaré inequalities of the Clifford valued function and some assumptions on operators A and B, we obtain the existence and uniqueness of solution to the scalar part of \({{\int_{\Omega}}{\overline{A(x, u, Du)}}D{\varphi}\,dx + {\int_{\Omega}}{\overline{B(x, u, Du)}}{\varphi}\,dx = 0}\). for each \({\varphi \in W^{1,p}_0 (\Omega, C\ell_n^k)}\).