Moduli spaces of level structures on mixed characteristic local shtukas

Yuta Takaya
Abstract:We consider the flat moduli space of parahoric level structures on a local shtuka and show that it is representable over a smooth $p$-adic formal scheme by establishing the dilatation theory of $v$-sheaves. We apply this result to the canonical integral model of a Shimura variety at hyperspecial level and identify the flat moduli space of parahoric level structures with the canonical integral model at the corresponding parahoric level. We prove a similar result for integral models of local Shimura varieties.
Number Theory,Algebraic Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the representability problem of the local Shtukas moduli spaces of mixed characteristics with a specific horizontal structure. Specifically, the author has studied how to represent these moduli spaces as smooth p -adic formal schemes and explored the applications of these moduli spaces in the canonical integral models of Shimura varieties. ### Specific description of the problem 1. **Representability of the moduli spaces**: - The author has considered the flat moduli space of local Shtukas with a parabolic horizontal structure and proved that it can be represented as a smooth p -adic formal scheme by establishing the inflation theory of v -sheaves. - The key to this result lies in proving that the universal fibers of these moduli spaces are finite étale under certain conditions. 2. **Applications to the integral models of Shimura varieties**: - The author has applied the above results to the canonical integral models of Shimura varieties. In particular, when the level is hyperspecial, the flat moduli space with a parabolic horizontal structure has been identified with the corresponding canonical integral model. - The author has also proved that similar results are applicable to the integral models of local Shimura varieties. 3. **Establishment of the inflation theory**: - In order to prove the representability of the moduli spaces, the author has established the inflation theory of v -sheaves. This theory, inspired by Artin's inflation theorem, allows the inflation of p -adic formal schemes to be recovered from the inflation of v -sheaves. ### Formulas and key theorems 1. **Key theorem of the inflation theory**: \[ \text{Theorem 2.10:} \quad \text{Let } X \text{ be a smooth } p\text{-adic formal } OE\text{-scheme, and } F \text{ be a flat } v\text{-sheaf, satisfying the following conditions:} \] - \( F \) is relatively flatly represented in \( X^\diamondsuit \). - The universal fiber \( F_\eta \) is finite étale on \( X^\diamondsuit_\eta \). \[ \text{Then, } F \text{ can be represented as a flat } p\text{-adic formal scheme, whose universal fiber is finite étale on } X_\eta \text{.} \] 2. **Representability theorem of the moduli spaces**: \[ \text{Theorem 3.4:} \quad \text{Let } X \text{ be a smooth } p\text{-adic formal } OE\text{-scheme, and } P \text{ be a local } G\text{-Shtuka.} \] \[ \text{Then, the flat closure of the universal fiber of } P \text{ in the } v\text{-sheaf parameterizing } G'\text{-horizontal structures can be represented as a flat } p\text{-adic formal scheme,} \] \[ \text{whose universal fiber is finite étale on } X_\eta \text{.} \] Through these theorems and theories, the author has successfully solved the representability problem of the local Shtukas moduli spaces of mixed characteristics with a specific horizontal structure and applied it to the integral models of Shimura varieties.