On a conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport

Patrick Daniels,Pol van Hoften,Dongryul Kim,Mingjia Zhang
Abstract:We prove a conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport about the existence of ''canonical'' integral models of Shimura varieties of Hodge type with quasi-parahoric level structure at a prime $p$. For these integral models, we moreover show uniformization of isogeny classes by integral local Shimura varieties, and prove a conjecture of Kisin and Pappas on local model diagrams.
Number Theory,Algebraic Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to prove the conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport regarding the existence of "canonical" integral models of Shimura varieties. Specifically, for Hodge - type Shimura varieties with quasi - parabolic level structures at the prime \(p\), the authors prove the existence of these integral models and further show the uniformization of isogeny classes by local Shimura varieties, while also proving the conjecture of Kisin and Pappas regarding local model diagrams. ### Specific Problem Description 1. **The Conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport**: - This conjecture concerns the existence of "canonical" integral models of Hodge - type Shimura varieties with quasi - parabolic level structures at the prime \(p\). - For these integral models, the authors also show the uniformization of isogeny classes and prove the conjecture of Kisin and Pappas regarding local model diagrams. 2. **Background and Motivation**: - When the level subgroup is hyperspecial at \(p\), it is known that there exists a set of smooth integral models, which can be uniquely determined by an extension property (similar to the Néron mapping property). - In more general cases, that is, when the level subgroup is parabolic or quasi - parabolic at \(p\), even for the simplest Shimura varieties (such as Siegel modular varieties), their integral models may have complex singularities and are difficult to characterize. 3. **Main Innovation Points**: - The key innovation of Pappas and Rapoport is to characterize the integral models of Shimura varieties by the existence of a universal \(p\)-adic shtuka satisfying certain compatibilities. - This paper does the reverse, assuming that the shtuka exists on some integral model of a given Shimura variety, and this shtuka should be compatible with the transition morphisms between different levels. ### Main Results - **Theorem I**: If \((G, X)\) is of Hodge - type, then there exists a system \(\{S_K(G, X)\}_K\) satisfying [PR24, Conjecture 4.2.2]. - **Theorem II**: For Hodge - type Shimura varieties, if \(p\) is coprime to \(2\cdot\pi_1(G_{\text{der}})\) and the group \(G\) is admissible and \(R\)-smooth, then \(S_K(G, X)\) has a scheme - theoretic local model diagram. ### Method Overview - **Proof Idea**: Prove the existence and properties of integral models by constructing a universally shtuka supported on v - strata and showing its association with the integral models of Shimura varieties. - **Key Technique**: Utilize the Kottwitz map, Bruhat - Tits theory, and v - strata techniques to ensure that the constructed models satisfy the required conditions and properties. In summary, this paper successfully solves the conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport regarding the existence of integral models of Hodge - type Shimura varieties by introducing new techniques and methods, and further generalizes this result to more general quasi - parabolic level structures.