Growth of Meromorphic Solutions to Some Complex Functional Equations
Jie Ding,Jun Wang,Zhuan Ye
Computational Methods and Function Theory
Abstract:Let f be a meromorphic function in the complex plane, p_j polynomials for ( j=0, 1, 2, … , n ) and R ( z , f ) an irreducible rational function in f with small meromorphic functions relative to f as coefficients. Let n be a positive integer and I , J two index sets in ℤ^n . In this paper, we systematically study the growth order of meromorphic solutions to the functional equations of the form: ∑ _μ∈ Iα _μ(z)( ∏ _j=1^nf( p_j(z))^μ _j) /∑ _ν∈ Jβ _ν(z)( ∏ _j=1^nf( p_j(z))^ν _j) =R(z, f(p_0)). We not only obtain estimates of the growth order of its meromorphic solutions in all possible cases, but also give examples to show these estimates are the best possible.