A lower bound on the mean value of the Erdős-Hooley Delta function

Kevin Ford,Dimitris Koukoulopoulos,Terence Tao
Abstract:We give an improved lower bound for the average of the Erdős-Hooley function $\Delta(n)$, namely $\sum_{n\le x} \Delta(n) \gg_\varepsilon x(\log\log x)^{1+\eta-\varepsilon}$ for all $x\geqslant100$ and any fixed $\varepsilon$, where $\eta = 0.3533227\dots$ is an exponent previously appearing in work of Green and the first two authors. This improves on a previous lower bound of $\gg x \log\log x$ of Hall and Tenenbaum, and can be compared to the recent upper bound of $x (\log\log x)^{11/4}$ of the second and third authors.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to improve the lower bound of the average value of the Erdős - Hooley Delta function. Specifically, the authors aim to prove that for any fixed \(\varepsilon>0\) and \(x \geq 100\), the average value of the Erdős - Hooley Delta function \(\Delta(n)\) satisfies the following inequality: \[ \sum_{n \leq x} \Delta(n) \gg_{\varepsilon} x (\log \log x)^{1+\eta - \varepsilon} \] where \(\eta = 0.3533227\ldots\) is an exponent that has previously appeared in the work of Green and the first two authors. This result improves the lower bound \(\gg x \log \log x\) previously obtained by Hall and Tenenbaum, and can be compared with the upper bound \(x (\log \log x)^{11/4}\) recently established by the second and third authors. ### Main contributions 1. **Improved lower bound**: The paper provides a tighter lower - bound estimate of the average value of the Erdős - Hooley Delta function. 2. **Theoretical significance**: This improvement helps to better understand the distribution properties of the Erdős - Hooley Delta function and its applications in number theory. ### Specific problem background The Erdős - Hooley Delta function is defined as: \[ \Delta(n):=\max_{u \in \mathbb{R}} \# \{ d\mid n : e^u < d \leq e^{u + 1}\} \] Erdős introduced this function in the 1970s and studied some of its distribution characteristics. However, it was not until Hooley's research in 1979 that the function was studied in more detail. Hooley proved that for any \(x \geq 1\), \[ \sum_{n \leq x} \Delta(n) \ll x (\log x)^{\frac{4}{\pi}-1} \] Subsequently, several authors improved Hooley's result, and finally obtained the following bounds: \[ x \log_2 x \ll \sum_{n \leq x} \Delta(n) \ll x (\log_2 x)^{11/4} \] where the lower bound was established by Hall and Tenenbaum in [11], and the upper bound was recently established by Koukoulopoulos and Tao in [17]. ### Main results of the paper The main result of the paper is a further improvement of the above - mentioned lower bound, that is: \[ \sum_{n \leq x} \Delta(n) \gg_{\varepsilon} x (\log_2 x)^{1+\eta^*-\varepsilon} \] where \(\eta^*\) is a quantity related to subset multiplicity, specifically defined as: \[ \eta^*:=\liminf_{k \to \infty} \frac{\log k}{\log (1/\beta_k)} \] where \(\beta_k\) is a probability upper limit defined by a random model. ### Conclusion By improving the lower bound of the average value of the Erdős - Hooley Delta function, this paper provides new perspectives and tools for understanding and analyzing the distribution of integer divisors.