Performance of PIP-II High-beta 650 Cryomodule After Transatlantic Shipping
J. Ozelis,M. Barba,J. Bernardini,C. Contreras-Martinez,D. Crawford,J. Dong,V. Grzelak,P. Hanlet,J. Holzbauer,Y. Jia,S. Kazakov,T. Khabiboulline,J. Makara,N. Patel,V. Patel,L. Pei,D. Peterson,Y. Pischalnikov,D. Porwisiak,S. Ranpariya,J. Steimel,N. Solyak,J. Subedi,A. Sukhanov,P. Varghese,T. Wallace,M. White,S. Wijethunga,Y. Xie,S. Yoon
Abstract:After shipment to the Daresbury Lab and return to Fermilab, the prototype HB650 cryomodule underwent another phase of 2K RF testing to ascertain any performance issues that may have arisen from the transport of the cryomodule. While measurements taken at room temperature after the conclusion of shipment indicated that there were no negative impacts on cavity alignment, beamline vacuum, or cavity frequency, testing at 2K was required to validate other aspects such as tuner operation, cavity coupling, cryogenic system integrity, and cavity performance. Results of this latest round of limited 2K testing will be presented.
Accelerator Physics