The Mu3e Data Acquisition
Heiko Augustin,Niklaus Berger,Alessandro Bravar,Konrad Briggl,Huangshan Chen,Simon Corrodi,Sebastian Dittmeier,Ben Gayther,Lukas Gerritzen,Dirk Gottschalk,Ueli Hartmann,Gavin Hesketh,Marius Köppel,Samer Kilani,Alexandr Kozlinskiy,Frank Meier Aeschbacher,Martin Müller,Yonathan Munwes,Ann-Kathrin Perrevoort,Stefan Ritt,André Schöning,Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon,Wei Shen,Luigi Vigani,Dorothea vom Bruch,Frederik Wauters,Dirk Wiedner,Tiancheng Zhong
Abstract:The Mu3e experiment aims to find or exclude the lepton flavour violating decay $\mu^+\to e^+e^-e^+$ with a sensitivity of one in 10$^{16}$ muon decays. The first phase of the experiment is currently under construction at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, Switzerland), where beams with up to 10$^8$ muons per second are available. The detector will consist of an ultra-thin pixel tracker made from High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS), complemented by scintillating tiles and fibres for precise timing measurements. The experiment produces about 100 Gbit/s of zero-suppressed data which are transported to a filter farm using a network of FPGAs and fast optical links. On the filter farm, tracks and three-particle vertices are reconstructed using highly parallel algorithms running on graphics processing units, leading to a reduction of the data to 100 Mbyte/s for mass storage and offline analysis. The paper introduces the system design and hardware implementation of the Mu3e data acquisition and filter farm.
Instrumentation and Detectors