The Chicago Classification of Esophageal Motility Disorders , v 3 . 0 International High Resolution Manometry Working Group
Peter J Kahrilas,Albert J Bredenoord,Anthony Lembo,Ravinder K Mittal,Minhu Chen,Daniel Cisternas,Ian J Cook,Kerry Dunbar,Geoffrey Hebbard,Ikuo Hirano,Richard H Holloway,David Katzka,Meiyun Ke,Jeff Peters
Abstract:Background—The Chicago Classification (CC) of esophageal motility disorders, utilizing an algorithmic scheme to analyze clinical high-resolution manometry (HRM) studies, has gained acceptance worldwide. Correspondence: Peter J Kahrilas, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, 676 St Clair St, 14th floor, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2951; Phone: 312-695-4016, Fax: 312-695-3999;, Core Members: Peter J Kahrilas*, Albert J Bredenoord, Mark Fox, C Prakash Gyawali, Sabine Roman, André JPM Smout, John E Pandolfino *Chairperson Participating Members: Shobna Bhatia, Guy Boeckxstaens, Serhat Bor, DO Castell, Minhu Chen, Daniel Cisternas, Jeffrey L Conklin, Ian J Cook, Kerry Dunbar, Geoffrey Hebbard, Ikuo Hirano, Richard H Holloway, Phil Katz, David Katzka, Meiyun Ke, Jutta Keller, Anthony Lembo, Ravinder K Mittal, Taher Omari, Jeff Peters, Joel Richter, Nathalie Rommel, Renato Salvador, Edoardo Savarino, Felice Schnoll-Sussman, Daniel Sifrim, Stuart Spechler, Rami Sweis, Jan Tack, Radu Tutuian, Miguel Valdovinos, Marcelo F Vela, Yinglian Xiao, Frank Zerbib No competing interests: Peter J Kahrilas, AJPM Smout, Guy Boeckxstaens, Shobna Bhatia, Minhu Chen, Daniel Cisternas, Ian J Cook, Kerry Dunbar, Geoffrey Hebbard, Ikuo Hirano, Richard H Holloway, David Katzka, Meiyun Ke, Anthony Lembo, Ravinder K Mittal, Jeff Peters, Joel Richter, Nathalie Rommel, Renato Salvador, Stuart Spechler, Jan Tack, Radu Tutuian, Miguel Valdovinos, Yinglian Xiao COMPETING INTERESTS Albert J Bredenoord: Given Imaging: research funding; Medical Measurement Systems: educational and research funding Mark Fox: Given imaging: advisory board, consulting and educational; Sandhill Scientific: educational; Medical Measurement Systems: educational. C Prakash Gyawali: Given imaging, educational John E Pandolfino: Given imaging; consulting and educational Serhat Bor: Medical Measurement Systems: educational and research funding DO Castell: Sandhill Scientific Instruments; consultant and educational Jeffrey L Conklin: Given imaging: consulting and educational Sabine Roman: Given imaging: advisory board, consulting and educational Phil Katz: Torax: consultant; Prizer Consumer: consultant Jutta Keller: Given imaging: research funding, consulting and educational; Standard Imaging: consulting and educational Taher Omari: Sandhill Scientific Instruments: consulting and research grant; Medical Measurement Systems: educational. Edoardo Savarino: Given imaging; advisory board, consulting and educational Felice Schnoll-Sussman: Given imaging; advisory board, consulting and educational Daniel Sifrim: Given imaging; advisory board. Sandhill Scientific Instruments: research grant. Rami Sweis: Given imaging; consulting and educational Radu Tutuian: Sandhill Scientific Instruments: educational; Medical Measurement Systems: educational. Marcelo F Vela: Given Imaging, Consulting Frank Zerbib: Given imaging; advisory board, consulting, and educational. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS PJK organized and chaired the 2014 HRM Working Group meeting in Chicago, drafted the manuscript, organized the revision of the manuscript, and approved the final version. AJB, MF, CPG, JEP, SR, and AJPMS served as Core Members of the HRM Working Group, organized subsections of the 2014 HRM Working Group meeting in Chicago, pre-reviewed the manuscript before circulation to the Working Group as a whole, finalized the document with PJK, and approved the final version. Working Group Members (see author list) participated in the 2014 HRM Working Group meeting in Chicago, provided commentary on the manuscript, helped finalize the document with PJK, and approved the final version. NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Neurogastroenterol Motil. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 February 01. Published in final edited form as: Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2015 February ; 27(2): 160–174. doi:10.1111/nmo.12477. N IH -P A A uhor M anscript N IH -P A A uhor M anscript N IH -P A A uhor M anscript Purpose—This 2014 update, CC v3.0, developed by the International HRM Working Group, incorporated the extensive clinical experience and interval publications since the prior (2011) version. Key results—CC v3.0 utilizes a hierarchical approach, sequentially prioritizing: 1) disorders of esophagogastric junction (EGJ) outflow (achalasia subtypes I–III and EGJ outflow obstruction), 2) major disorders of peristalsis (absent contractility, distal esophageal spasm, hypercontractile esophagus), and 3) minor disorders of peristalsis characterized by impaired bolus transit. EGJ morphology, characterized by the degree of overlap between the lower esophageal sphincter and the crural diaphragm and baseline EGJ contractility are also part of CC v3.0. Compared to the previous CC version, the key metrics of interpretation, the integrated relaxation pressure (IRP), the distal contractile integral (DCI), and the distal latency (DL) remain unchanged, albeit with much more emphasis on DCI for defining both hypoand hypercontractility. New in CC v3.0 are: 1) the evaluation of the EGJ at rest defined in terms of morphology and contractility, 2) ‘fragmented’ contractions (large breaks in the 20-mmHg isobaric contour), 3) ineffective esophageal motility (IEM), and 4) several minor adjustments in nomenclature and defining criteria. Absent in CC v3.0 are contractile front velocity (CFV) and small breaks in the 20-mmHg isobaric contour as defining characteristics. Conclusion—CC v3.0 is an updated analysis scheme for clinical esophageal HRM recordings developed by the International HRM Working Group.