A note on Quebbemann's extremal lattices of rank 64

Ichiro Shimada
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2106.04828
Abstract:By constructing explicit examples, we show that the method of Quebbemann yields many isomorphism classes of extremal lattices of rank 64. Many of these examples have no non-trivial automorphisms.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to show that Quebbemann's method can generate many non - isomorphic extremal lattices of order 64, and the automorphism groups of these lattices are often very small, or even have no non - trivial automorphisms. Specifically: 1. **Generating non - isomorphic extremal lattices**: By choosing specific ternary codes, the author shows how to construct a large number of non - isomorphic extremal lattices of order 64. According to Quebbemann's method, these lattices can be obtained through pseudo - randomly generated ternary codes. 2. **Studying the properties of automorphism groups**: The author proves that there exist at least 300 different extremal lattices of order 64 whose automorphism groups only contain the identity and the negative identity (i.e., \( O(Q)=\{\pm 1\} \)). In addition, there exist at least 100 extremal lattices of order 64 whose automorphism groups are \( O(Q)\cong\{\pm 1\}\times\mathbb{Z}/8\mathbb{Z} \). ### Main Results - **Theorem 1.1**: Quebbemann's method can generate: 1. At least 300 non - isomorphic extremal lattices \( Q \) of order 64 such that \( O(Q)=\{\pm 1\} \). 2. At least 100 non - isomorphic extremal lattices \( Q \) of order 64 such that \( O(Q)\cong\{\pm 1\}\times\mathbb{Z}/8\mathbb{Z} \). ### Method Overview - **Quebbemann construction**: By decomposing the lattice of order 64 into the direct sum of 8 E8 root lattices and using specific ternary codes to construct the subspace \( B \), thus generating extremal lattices of order 64. - **Calculating minimum - norm vectors**: By enumerating all minimum - norm vectors (i.e., vectors satisfying \( \langle x, x \rangle_Q = 6 \)), and using these vectors to distinguish non - isomorphic lattices. - **Automorphism group calculation**: By calculating the automorphism group of the lattice, verify whether its structure meets the expectation. ### Application Background Extremal lattices have important applications in coding theory, sphere - packing problems, and combinatorial mathematics. In particular, extremal lattices of order 64 are of great interest due to their high - density sphere - packing characteristics. The results of this paper show that by appropriately choosing ternary codes, a large number of non - isomorphic extremal lattices can be constructed, which provides new tools and methods for research in related fields. ### Conclusion This paper not only shows the effectiveness of Quebbemann's method, but also reveals the rich structural diversity of extremal lattices of order 64, especially the new findings in terms of automorphism groups. This is of great significance for further understanding the properties of extremal lattices and their applications in practical problems.