Gentle Introduction of Unitary Cohomology Vanishing
Erik Johansson
Abstract:This paper presents a gentle introduction to cohomology vanishing theorems, largely based on the paper work of Hongshan Li. It offers an insightful exploration of unitary local systems on complex manifolds, particularly focusing on their characteristics near normal crossing divisors. The Main Vanishing Theorem, demonstrating the vanishing of specific cohomology groups associated with unitary local systems, stands as a central result in this work.
In our exposition, we delve into the interplay between local system theory, Hodge theory, and the geometry of complex manifolds. The canonical extensions of unitary local systems are examined in detail, providing a deeper understanding of their algebraic and geometric properties. The foundational aspects of these systems are thoroughly discussed, culminating in an in-depth analysis of their spectral sequences and the behavior of associated de Rham complexes.
A pivotal aspect of the paper is the exploration of the spectral sequence associated with the Hodge filtration on de Rham complexes. Here, we establish its degeneration at the E1 stage and its implications for cohomology groups. This work also encompasses a thorough examination of the properties of Higgs bundles, particularly in the context of parabolic structures and semistability. The amalgamation of these diverse concepts and techniques contributes to a broader understanding of the complex interdependencies in the realm of unitary local systems and their cohomological properties.
Algebraic Geometry