Surface and volume photoemission from metal nano-particles with electron mass discontinuity

Abstract:Quantum efficiencies of surface (SPE) and volume (VPE) photo-emissions from metal nanoparticles are calculated by quantum mechanical perturbation theory and compared with each other. Along with discontinuities in the potential barrier and dielectric function, the discontinuity in electron effective mass on the metal-environment interface is taken into account. General formulas for quantum efficiencies of SPE and VPE are derived. An example of spherical gold particles with rectangular potential barrier on the interface is considered, analytical formulas for quantum efficiencies of SPE and VPE on the red border of photoemission are derived. It is found that the efficiency of SPE is less decreased with the reduction of the electron effective mass than the efficiency of VPE, so SPE is more efficient that VPE for small particles and large discontinuity in effective mass. Nanoparticle size, when SPE is more efficient than VPE, is found to be tens of nm or less.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: to compare the quantum efficiencies of surface and bulk photoemission (SPE and VPE) of metal nanoparticles, especially when considering the discontinuity of the effective mass of electrons at the metal - environment interface. Specifically, the authors calculated and compared the quantum efficiencies of surface photoemission (SPE) and bulk photoemission (VPE) through quantum - mechanical perturbation theory, taking into account the discontinuities of the potential barrier and the dielectric function, and paying special attention to the influence of the change of the effective mass of electrons at the metal - environment interface on these two emission processes. ### Main problems 1. **Comparing the quantum efficiencies of SPE and VPE**: The authors aimed to determine under which conditions surface photoemission is more efficient than bulk photoemission, especially when the effective mass of electrons changes discontinuously. 2. **Considering the discontinuity of the effective mass of electrons**: In the study, special attention was paid to the influence of the discontinuity of the effective mass of electrons at the metal - semiconductor interface on the photoemission efficiency. 3. **The effect of small - sized nanoparticles**: To explore whether the advantage of SPE over VPE is more obvious when the size of nanoparticles is small. ### Research background - **Photon absorption and hot - electron generation**: Electrons in metal nanoparticles can generate high - energy "hot electrons" by absorbing photons, and these hot electrons can escape into the external environment under certain conditions. - **Surface and volume photoemission**: SPE refers to the escape of electrons from the metal surface, while VPE refers to the escape of electrons from the inside of the metal. The efficiencies of the two processes are affected by multiple factors, including the height of the potential barrier, the dielectric constant, and the change of the effective mass of electrons. - **The influence of effective - mass discontinuity**: When electrons enter the semiconductor from the metal, their effective mass will change, which will affect their momentum conservation and escape probability. ### Research methods - **Quantum - mechanical perturbation theory**: Use quantum - mechanical perturbation theory to derive the general formulas for SPE and VPE. - **Model assumptions**: Consider the rectangular - potential - barrier model and analyze the performance of spherical gold nanoparticles in different semiconductor environments. - **Mathematical derivation**: Simplify the formulas by introducing dimensionless variables and derive approximate expressions near the red edge. ### Main findings - **The advantage of SPE**: The study shows that when the effective mass of electrons changes discontinuously at the metal - semiconductor interface, the efficiency of SPE decreases less than that of VPE. Therefore, in small - sized nanoparticles (tens of nanometers or smaller), SPE is more efficient than VPE. - **Critical size**: The size range of nanoparticles where the efficiency of SPE exceeds that of VPE was found, which is usually tens of nanometers or smaller. ### Formula summary - **Quantum efficiency of SPE**: \[ \eta_{\text{SPE}}=\frac{a_s\sqrt{r_m}}{a}\int_{0}^{\infty}dx_{\parallel}\int_{0}^{\infty}dx_z\sqrt{x_z}\Re\left[\sqrt{x_z + x_{\omega}-1 - x_{\parallel}(r_m - 1)}\right]|\tilde{u}\tilde{K}_{\text{dis}}^+|^2\tilde{f}_F(x)[1-\tilde{f}_F(x + x_{\omega})] \] - **Quantum efficiency of VPE**: \[ \eta_{\text{VPE}}=\frac{9l_e[1-\exp(-2/l_e)]}{8(x_h^{3/2}-x_F^{3/2})}\int_{1}^{x_h}\sqrt{x}dx\int_{0}^{(1 - 1/x)/r_m}\left[1-\exp\left(-\frac{2\sqrt{1 - y}}{l_e}\right)\right]W_p(x,y)dy \] Through these formulas and analysis, the authors proved that, considering the discontinuity of the effective mass of electrons, SPE has higher efficiency in small - sized nanoparticles, which provides a basis for further optimizing gold.