Some Sufficient Conditions for Tunnel Numbers of Connected Sum of Two Knots Not to Go Down
Guo Qiu Yang,Feng Chun Lei
Abstract:In this paper, we show the following result: Let K i be a knot in a closed orientable 3-manifold M i such that (M i ,K i ) is not homeomorphic to (S 2 ×S 1, x 0 ×S 1), i = 1, 2. Suppose that the Euler Characteristic of any meridional essential surface in each knot complement E(K i ) is less than the difference of one and twice of the tunnel number of K i . Then the tunnel number of their connected sum will not go down. If in addition that the distance of any minimal Heegaard splitting of each knot complement is strictly more than 2, then the tunnel number of their connected sum is super additive.