Noncommutative integration, quantum mechanics, Tannaka's theorem for compact groupoids and examples
Artur O. Lopes,Marcos Sebastian,Victor Vargas
Abstract:We consider topological groupoids in finite and also in a compact settings. In the initial sections, we introduce definitions of typical observables and we studied them in the context of statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics. We exhibit explicit examples and one of them will be the so-called quantum ratchet. This is related to Schwinger's algebra of selective measurements. Here we consider $\mathcal{G}$-kernels, transverse functions, modular functions, and quasi-invariant measures for Haar systems. Later we present our main result which is a version of Tannaka's theorem for Hausdorff compact groupoids - extending the original proof of T. Tannaka.
Mathematical Physics,Functional Analysis,Representation Theory,Quantum Physics