Selective Enhancement of Kane Mele-type Spin Orbit Interaction in Graphene
Bai Zhan-Bin,Wang Rui,Zhou Ya-Zhou,Wu Tian-Ru,Ge Jian-Lei,Li Jing,Qin Yu-Yuan,Fei Fu-Cong,Cao Lu,Wang Xue-Feng,Wang Xin-Ran,Zhang Shuai,Sun Li-Ling,Song You,Song Feng-Qi
Abstract:In order to enhance the spin orbit interaction (SOI) in graphene for seeking the dissipationless quantum spin Hall devices, unique Kane-Mele-type SOI and high mobility samples are desired. However, the common external modification of graphene often introduces “extrinsic” Rashba-type SOI, which will destroy the possible topological state, bring a certain degree of impurity scattering and reduce the sample mobility. Here we show that by the EDTA-Dy molecule dressing, the carrier mobility is even improved, and the quantum Hall plateaus are observed more clearly. The Kane-Mele type SOI is mimicked after dressing, which is evidenced by the suppressed weak localization at equal carrier densities and simultaneous Elliot-Yafet spin relaxation. This is attributed to the spin-flexural phonon coupling induced by the enhanced graphene ripples, as revealed by the in-plane magnetotransport measurement.