Lie triple systems associated with F [ t , t − 1 ] ∗
Yiqian Shi,Daoji Meng
Abstract:In this paper, we will give two methods to construct Lie triple systems from the Laurent-polynomial algebra F[t, t−1]. 0. Inroduction Throughout this paper, the vector spaces we discuss are all over a field F of characteristic 0. A Lie triple system T is a vector space with a trilinear product [ , , ] satisfying ∀ x, y, z, u, v ∈ T 1) [x, y, z] = −[y, x, z]; 2) [x, y, z] + [y, z, x] + [z, x, y] = 0; 3) [u, v, [x, y, z]] = [[u, v, x], y, z] + [x, [u, v, y], z] + [x, y, [u, v, z]]. Any Lie algebra (l, [ , ]) forms a Lie triple system with the trilinear product [x, y, z] = [[x, y], z], ∀x, y, z ∈ l. If θ is an involutive automorphism of l, then the eigenspace E−1(θ) is a Lie triple system since E−1(θ) is closed under the trilinear product. We begin the present paper with ∗This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(10371057,102710176) 1 the involutive automorphisms of F[t, t−1] and then construct some Lie triple systems precisely. In section 1, we find all the automorphisms of F[t, t−1](Proposition 1.1 ), and then obtain all the involutive ones(Proposition 1.2). In section 2, we proceed to discuss the derivation algebra m of F[t, t−1] (Theorem 2.1) and use the deduced involutive automorphisms of m to construct some Lie triple systems(Lemma 2.1, Theorem 2.2). We find the infinite dimensional Lie triple systems obtained in this way are simple. From the relations between the induced automorphisms of m, we give some automorphisms of the simple Lie triple systems obtained in Theorem 2.2( Lemma 2.2, Theorem 2.3). Since a Novikov algebra can be formed with derivation and an element of F[t, t−1] which is fixed, then we can construct Lie algebras by the fact that there exists a natural Lie algebraic structure on any Novikov algebra(Proposition 3.2). In section 3, we discuss the involutive automorphisms of such Lie algebras and get more Lie triple systems(Theorem 3.1(a)and (b)). 1. F[t, t−1] and its automorphisms Let A = F[x1, · · · , xn, y1, · · · , ym, z1, · · · , zm] be a polynomial algebra in x1, · · ·, xn, y1, · · ·, ym, z1, · · ·, zm over a field F, J an ideal of A generated by {y1z1−1, · · · , ymzm− 1}. Let π be the natural honomorphism of A to the quotient algebra A/J . We have π(yjzj) = π(yj)π(zj) = 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ m. If we denote π(yj) by tj , then π(zj) = t−1 j and A/J = F[x1, · · · , xn, t ±1 1 , · · · , tm]. When n = 0 and m = 1, A/J = F[t, t−1] is the laurent-polynomial algebra of t. Let θ be a transformation of F[x, y] satisfying θ(f(x, y)) = f(y, x), ∀f(x, y) ∈ F[x, y],