J. Lee,M. Thiyagarajan,Siqi Luo,J. Seo
Abstract:53706. Highdensity - 1012-1014 cm-3, large (500-2500 cc)volume, high-pressure airandairconstituent atmospheric (50-760 Torr) plasmas areofgreat interest invariety ofscientific and industrial applications suchasmaterial processing, biological decontamination, radar andstealth antennas. We present a technique forproducing these plasmas andmeasuring their temperature, density andrecombination rates bymeansof optical emission andmillimeter waveinterferometry. The plasma isproduced byutilizing aseed(15mTorr) organic gas, tetrakis (dimethyl-amino) ethylene (TMAE), inhigh-pressure airandaircomponent gasesispre-ionized bya 193nm excimer laser (300mJ), 20nspulse width. Theseedplasma isthensustained bytheefficient absorption ofthepulsed 13.56 MHz radio frequency (RF)power(1-25 kW)through inductive coupling ofthewavefields, whichreduces theRF 12 powerrequirement forplasma initiation toagreat extent' . High-resolution optical emission spectroscopic (OES) diagnostics arecarried outtomeasurethedensity and temperature profiles oftheplasma. We usea 0.5-m monochromator witha 1200-groove/mm grating with entrance andexit slits of10ptmtoobtain high resolution. The monochromator iscalibrated forspectral intensities between 200-800 nmwithaHg-Arlight source. Hp(486.132nm) and Ha(656.28 nm)line broadening techniques havebeenusedto measure theFWHM, whichinturnusedtomeasure the density andtemperature oftheplasma. A small amountofH2 (2%molefraction) ismixedwiththeworking gas.The background emission spectrum, duetotheN2first positive system B3Hg-A3XU+ isalso measured byturning offhydrogen flow. Forthetemperature (0.4-0.6 eV)anddensity (1012_ 1014cm-3) rangeoftheplasma generated, theline widthis dominated by Starkbroadening. The spectroscopic measurements areusedtoobtain density andcollisional rates arecompared withthose using a105GHzinterferometer. The spectroscopic measurements can alsoprovide highly localized measurements oftheplasma conditions inregions that areless accessible tointerferometer measurements.
Chemistry,Environmental Science,Physics
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