Ion instability simulation in the heps storage ring
S. K. Tian,N. Wang
Abstract:The Ionisation of residual gases in the vacuum chamber of an accelerator will create positively charged ions. For the diffraction limit storage ring,the ion effect has been recognized as one of the very high priorities of the R&D for the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), due to the ultra-low beam emittance and very high intensity beam. In this paper, we have performed a simulation based on the weak-strong model to investigate characteristic phenomena of the fast beam-ion instability. INTRODUCTION This ionization of the residual gas in the vacuum pipe by the circulating electron beam will create positive ions. These ions could be trapped in the potential well of the stored beam under certain conditions [1].The accumulation depends on several factors, e.g. the filling pattern (the number of bunches, bunch spacing, beam current), transvers beam sizes (beam emittances, the storage ring optics) and the property of the ions (the mass, the charge). Generally speaking, ion effects can be divided into two categories. One is called conventional ion trapping instability and the other is called fast beam-ion instability (FBII) [2] [3]. The former occurs mainly in the storage rings when bunches are uniformly filled. If some conditions are satisfied, the ions are accumulated over many turns and trapped by the beam potential all the time. These ions mutually couple to the motion of beam particles and lead to a beam instability in the ring. This instability can be partially suppressed by intentionally leaving a gap after the bunch train. These gaps will make the ions over focused and eventually lost to the vacuum chamber wall [4]. However, the diffraction limit storage ring light source feature an extremely small beam emittance (nanometre scale) and many bunches (a few hundreds) operation. The bunch spacing is therefore not very long enough, single passage ion instability, which is called fast beam-ion instability, is dominant. In this case, ions created by the head of the train via ionization of the residual gas perturb the tail during the passage of a single electron bunch train. The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a kilometre scale quasi-diffraction limited storage ring light source with the beam energy of 6 GeV, is to be built in Beijing area and now is under extensive design. Extensive efforts have been made on the lattice design and relevant studies of this project. A hybrid 7BA design for the HEPS has been made. The design beam current is 200 mA, and basically two filling patterns are under consideration. One is the high brightness mode with 680 bunches (1.3nC, 0.3mA), followed by a 10% gap; the other one is the high bunch charge mode, with 63 bunches (14.4nC, 3.2mA) of equal bunch charges uniformly distributed around the ring. The main parameters were listed in Table 1. Table 1: HEPS Lattice Design Parameters Parameters Values Energy E0 6 GeV Beam current I0 200 mA Circumference 1360.4 m Natural emittance x0 34.2 pm.rad Working point x/y 114.14/106.23 Natural chromaticity (H/V) -215.9/-292.2 No. of super-periods 24 ID section length LID 6.00/6.07m RMS energy spread 1.061×10-3 Momentum compaction 1.561×10-5 Energy loss per turn 2.888 MeV Figure 1: Optical functions and lattice structure for one cell of the HEPS storage ring. ION TRAPPING The ions generated by beam-gas ionization will experience a force from the passing electron bunch, which can be regarded as a thin lens focusing element followed by a drift space before the next bunch passes. Based on the linear theory of ion trapping [5], the ions with a relative molecular mass greater than Ax,y will be trapped horizontally (vertically) in the potential well of the beam. The Ax,y in units of amu is given by: , , 2 e p sep x y x y x y N r L A s s s , (1) Where Ne is the number of particles per bunch, rp (~1.535×10-18m) is the classical proton radius, Less is the bunch separation in meters, x(s), is the local horizontal rms beam size, and y(s) is the local vertical rms beam size. The ions should be trapped both in x and y directions simultaneously, so the critical mass in units of amu is given by: . 2min , e p sep crit x y x y N r L A s s s s s (2) 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-184-7 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPMF055 02 Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators A04 Circular Accelerators THPMF055 4189 Co nt en tf ro m th is w or k m ay be us ed un de rt he te rm so ft he CC BY 3. 0 lic en ce (© 20 18 ). A ny di str ib ut io n of th is w or k m us tm ai nt ai n at tri bu tio n to th e au th or (s ), tit le of th e w or k, pu bl ish er ,a nd D O I.