Beschastnov Nikolay Petrovich: creative legacy
Valery S. Belgorodsky,Sergey G. Dembitsky,Viktor E. Kalashnikov,Olga V. Kovaleva,Irina V. Rybaulina
Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur [Bulletin of Slavic Cultures]
Abstract:The present study is dedicated to the memory of Professor Nikolai P. Beschastnov — an outstanding scientist, art critic, artist. The authors perform analysis of his creative and scientific heritage and consider the scientific contribution of his works to the development of art and creative practice in artistic design activity. The analysis focuses on a series of scientific articles and textbooks for students of creative directions, such as: “Painting,” “Black and White Graphics,” “Graphics of a Landscape,” “Graphics of a Human Figure,” “Graphics of a Still Life,” “Basics of Composition,” “Color Graphics,” “Subject graphics,” “Artistic language of ornament,” “Textile photographic drawing,” “History and design methodology,” “Methods of graphic presentation of clothing models,” “Methods of artistic design of textile design.” Each work describes not just a methodology, but provides a holistic picture that reflects the essence of the phenomenon, shows their organic connection with the evolution of the world outlook and the development of scientific ideas of mankind. An indisputably valuable was the activity of Nikolai Petrovich, aimed at the formation of a unique approach to art education in higher educational institutions, the synthesis of research and artistic and creative approach, which corresponds to world trends in the education system. The paper also highlights main goals and objectives of the educational process according to N. P. Beschastnov.