On Geometry and Symmetries in Classical and Quantum Theories of Gauge Gravity
Vadim Belov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1905.06931
Abstract:Spin Foam and Loop approaches to Quantum Gravity reformulate Einstein's theory of relativity in terms of connection variables. The metric properties are encoded in face bivectors/conjugate fluxes that are required to satisfy certain conditions, in order to allow for their geometric interpretation. We show that the (sub-)set of the so-called `volume simplicity constraints' is not implemented properly in the current EPRL-FK spinfoam vertex amplitude, if extended to arbitrary polyhedra. We then propose that a certain knot-invariant of the bivector geometry, induced on the boundary graph, encodes the missing conditions, allowing for reconstruction of a polytope from its two-dimensional faces. Implemented in the quantum amplitude, this leads to corrected semi-classical asymptotics for a hypercuboid, and is conjectured to be non-trivial in more general situations. The analysis of linear version of `volume simplicity' suggests to switch from hypersurface normals to edge lengths, that is from 3-forms directly to tetrads -- in the extended configuration space of the Plebanski constrained formulation. We then give the corresponding dual version of linear simplicity constraints, which prescribe 3d volume for the polyhedral faces in the boundary of a 4d polytope. We also analyse the status of metric/vielbein degrees of freedom and the role of local translations in the classical Einstein-Cartan gravity, viewed as a Poincare gauge theory. The relation with the diffeomorphism symmetry is established through the key concept of development, which generalizes parallel transport of vectors in the geometric theory of Cartan connections. We advocate the latter to be the natural gauge-theoretic framework for the theory of relativity.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology,High Energy Physics - Theory,Mathematical Physics