Non-integrable distributions with simple infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras of symmetries
Andrey Krutov,Dimitry Leites,Irina Shchepochkina
Abstract:Under usual locality assumptions, we classify all non-integrable distributions with simple infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebra of symmetries over $\mathbb{C}$: we single out 15 series (containing 2 analogs of contact series and one family of deformations of their divergence-free subalgebras), and 7 exceptional Lie superalgebras. Over algebraically closed fields~$\mathbb{K}$ of characteristic $p>0$, we classify the W-gradings (corresponding to a maximal subalgebra of finite codimension) of the known simple vectorial Lie (super)algebras with unconstrained shearing vector of heights of the indeterminates, distinguish W-gradings of (super)algebras preserving non-integrable distributions. For $p>3$, we get analogs of the result over $\mathbb{C}$. For $p=3$, of all possible W-gradings (12 of Skryabin algebras, 3 of superized Melikyan algebras, and 4 of Bouarroudj superalgebras) most are new, together with the corresponding distributions. For $p=2$, we also get several new examples of distributions and their Lie (super)algebras of symmetries.
Differential Geometry,Representation Theory