Rigid Dualizing Complexes over Commutative Rings and their Functorial Properties
Mattia Ornaghi,Saurabh Singh,Amnon Yekutieli
Abstract:In this paper we treat Grothendieck Duality for noetherian rings via rigid dualizing complexes. In particular, we prove that every ring, essentially finite type over a regular base ring, has a unique rigid dualizing complex. The rigid dualizing complexes have strong functorial properties, allowing us to construct the twisted induction pseudofunctor, which is our ring-theoretic version of the twisted inverse pseudofunctor $f^{!}$. This is the first article of a bigger project, whose final goal is establishing Grothendieck Duality, including global duality for proper maps, for Deligne-Mumford stacks.
Algebraic Geometry,Commutative Algebra,Category Theory