Invertible bases and root vectors for analytic matrix-valued functions
Vanni Noferini
Abstract:We revisit the concept of a minimal basis through the lens of the theory of modules over a commutative ring $R$. We first review the conditions for the existence of a basis for submodules of $R^n$ where $R$ is a Bézout domain. Then, we define the concept of invertible basis of a submodule of $R^n,$ and when $R$ is an elementary divisor domain, we link it to the Main Theorem of G. D. Forney Jr. [SIAM J. Control, 13:493-520, 1975]. Over an elementary divisor domain, the submodules admitting an invertible basis are precisely the free pure submodules of $R^n$. As an application, we let $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ be either a connected compact set or a connected open set, and we specialize to $R=\mathcal{A}(\Omega)$, the ring of functions that are analytic on $\Omega$. We show that, for any matrix $A(z) \in \mathcal{A}(\Omega)^{m \times n}$, $\ker A(z) \cap \mathcal{A}(\Omega)^n$ is a free $\mathcal{A}(\Omega)$-module and admits an invertible basis, or equivalently a basis that is full rank upon evaluation at any $\lambda \in \Omega$. Finally, given $\lambda \in \Omega$, we use invertible bases to define and study maximal sets of root vectors at $\lambda$ for $A(z)$. This in particular allows us to define eigenvectors also for analytic matrices that do not have full column rank.