A Formal Equivalence of Deformation Quantization and Geometric Quantization (of Higher Groupoids) and Non-Perturbative Sigma Models
Joshua Lackman
Abstract:Based on work done by Bonechi, Cattaneo, Felder and Zabzine on Poisson sigma models, we formally show that Kontsevich's star product can be obtained from the twisted convolution algebra of the geometric quantization of a Lie 2-groupoid, one which integrates the Poisson structure. We show that there is an analogue of the Poisson sigma model which is valued in Lie 1-groupoids and which can often be defined non-perturbatively; it can be obtained by symplectic reduction using the quantization of the Lie 2-groupoid. We call these groupoid-valued sigma models and we argue that, when they exist, they can be used to compute correlation functions of gauge invariant observables. This leads to a (possibly non-associative) product on the underlying space of functions on the Poisson manifold, and in several examples we show that we recover strict deformation quantizations, in the sense of Rieffel. Even in the cases when our construction leads to a non-associative product we still obtain a $C^*$-algebra and a "quantization" map. In particular, we construct noncommutative $C^*$-algebras equipped with an $SU(2)$-action, together with an equivariant "quantization" map from $C^{\infty}(S^2)\,.$ No polarizations are used in the construction of these algebras.
Quantum Algebra,High Energy Physics - Theory,Differential Geometry,Symplectic Geometry