General Topology of the Universe

Aalok Pandya
Abstract:General topology of the universe is descibed. It is concluded that topology of the present universe is greater or stronger than the topology of the universe in the past and topology of the future universe will be stronger or greater than the present topology of the universe. Consequently, the universe remains unbounded.
Astrophysics,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the overall topological structure of the universe and its evolution over time. Specifically, the author explores the following points: 1. **Description of the universe topology**: - The author believes that, in addition to discussing the geometric properties of the universe manifold, it is equally important to study the general topological properties of the universe and their changes. - The universe, as a whole space \( U \), its topological structure can be described by all possible sets and subsets defined on it. 2. **Temporal evolution of the universe topology**: - The paper points out that the current topological structure of the universe is stronger or larger than in the past, and the future topological structure of the universe will be stronger or larger than it is now. - This means that as the universe continues to expand, its topological structure will become more and more complex and rich. 3. **Unboundedness of the universe**: - The author proves through mathematical derivation and physical explanation that the universe is unbounded. That is, the universe has no boundary, which is consistent with astronomical observation results. - Mathematically, if the closure of a space \( U \) is equal to itself (\( \overline{U} = U \)), then the space is closed; at the same time, due to the continuous expansion of the universe, it cannot be limited within a finite range, so it is unbounded. 4. **Relationship between topology and matter - energy distribution**: - As the universe expands, the distance between galaxies increases and the matter density decreases, causing the topological structure of the universe to change from coarser to finer. - This change reflects the topological characteristics of the universe at different time points. 5. **Connectivity and continuity of the universe**: - If it is assumed that the universe originated from a single event (such as the Big Bang), then all physical objects and events are causally related, thus ensuring the connectivity of the space - time metric. - Physically interesting space - time examples (such as Schwarzschild geometry and Robertson - Walker space - time) are Hausdorff spaces, which have good connectivity and continuity. In summary, the main purpose of this paper is to explore the overall topological structure of the universe and its changes over time, prove that the universe is unbounded, and explain how this topological structure is reflected in the matter - energy distribution and the process of the universe expansion.