Universality of Fedosov's Construction for Star Products of Wick Type on Pseudo-Kähler Manilfolds

Nikolai Neumaier
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0034-4877%2803%2990004-8
Abstract:In this paper we construct star products on a pseudo-Kähler manifold $(M,\omega,I)$ using a modification of the Fedosov method based on a different fibrewise product similar to the Wick product on $\mathbb C^n$. In a first step we show that this construction is rich enough to obtain star products of every equivalence class by computing Deligne's characteristic class of these products. Among these products we uniquely characterize the ones which have the additional property to be of Wick type which means that the bidifferential operators describing the star products only differentiate with respect to holomorphic directions in the first argument and anti-holomorphic directions in the second argument. These star products are in fact strongly related to star products with separation of variables introduced and studied by Karabegov. This characterization gives rise to special conditions on the data that enter the Fedosov procedure. Moreover, we compare our results that are based on an obviously coordinate independent construction to those of Karabegov that were obtained by local considerations and give an independent proof of the fact that star products of Wick type are in bijection to formal series of closed two-forms of type $(1,1)$ on $M$. Using this result we finally succeed in showing that the given Fedosov construction is universal in the sense that it yields all star products of Wick type on a pseudo-Kähler manifold.
Quantum Algebra
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the universality problem of constructing Wick - type star products on pseudo - Kähler manifolds. Specifically, the author Nikolai Neumaier aims to prove that the star products constructed by modifying the Fedosov method (based on different fiber products similar to the Wick product on \(C^n\)) can cover all Wick - type star products in the equivalence classes. In addition, the author also hopes to show the unique properties of these star products and prove their relationship with star products with separated variables. ### Main problem summary: 1. **Constructing Wick - type star products**: Use the modified Fedosov method to construct star products on pseudo - Kähler manifolds. 2. **Verifying universality**: Prove that these constructed star products can cover all Wick - type star products in all possible equivalence classes. 3. **Studying properties**: Analyze the unique properties of these star products, especially their relationship with star products with separated variables. ### Key points of the paper: - **Definition of Wick - type star products**: In local holomorphic coordinates, the bidi - differential operator \(C_r\) is described in the form: \[ C_r(f, g)=\sum_{K, L} C_{r; K, L} \frac{\partial^{|K|} f}{\partial z^K} \frac{\partial^{|L|} g}{\partial \bar{z}^L} \] where \(C_{r; K, L}\) are certain coefficient functions. - **Modification of the Fedosov method**: Based on the pseudo - Kähler connection and specific fiber products (such as the Wick product), construct star products. - **Classification of equivalence classes**: By calculating the Deligne characteristic class, prove that these constructed star products can cover all equivalence classes. - **Comparison with the Karabegov method**: Compare the results with Karabegov's method based on local considerations and independently prove the one - to - one correspondence between Wick - type star products and formal series of closed two - forms of type (1, 1). ### Conclusion: The author has successfully proven that the star products constructed by the modified Fedosov method can not only cover all Wick - type star products in the equivalence classes, but also these star products have the Vey - type property and can be uniquely characterized by specific conditions. In addition, the author has also shown the close relationship between these star products and star products with separated variables. Through these results, the author emphasizes the power and elegance of the Fedosov method and provides a solid theoretical basis for further research on issues such as the representation of Wick - type star products.