The Family Seiberg-Witten Invariant and Nonsymplectic Loops of Diffeomorphisms

Jianfeng Lin
Abstract:By extending a result of Kronheimer-Mrowka to the family setting, we prove a gluing formula for the family Seiberg-Witten invariant. This formula allows one to compute the invariant for a smooth family of 4-manifolds by cutting it open along a product family of 3-manifolds and studying the induced maps on monopole Floer (co)homology. When the cutting 3-manifold is an L-space, this formula implies a relation between the family Seiberg-Witten invariant, the Seiberg-Witten invariant of the fiber and the index of the family Dirac operator. We use this relation to calculate the Seiberg-Witten invariant of families of 4-manifolds that arise when resolving an ADE singularity using a hyperkähler family of complex structures near the singularity. Several applications are obtained. First, we establish a large family of simply-connected 4-manifolds M (e.g. all elliptic surfaces) such that π_1(Diff(M)) has a ℤ^∞-summand . For such M, the product S^2× M smoothly fibers over S^2 with fiber M in infinitely many distinct ways. Second, we show that on any closed symplectic 4-manifold that contains a smoothly embedded sphere of self-intersection -1 or -2, there is a loop of diffeomorphisms that is not homotopic to a loop of symplectormorphisms. This generalizes a previous result by Smirnov and confirms a conjecture by McDuff in dimension 4. It also provides many new examples of 4-manifolds whose space of symplectic forms has a nontrivial fundamental group or first homology group.
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