Studies of QCD in <FORMULA>${\rm e^+ e^-}\to $</FORMULA> hadrons at <FORMULA>$E_{\rm cm} = 130$</FORMULA> and 136 GeV
D. Buskulic et al.,D. Buskulic,D. Decamp,P. Ghez,C. Goy,P. Lees,A. Lucotte,N. Minard,P. Odier,B. Pietrzyk,M. Chmeissani,M. Delfino,I. Efthymiopoulos,E. Fernandez,M. Fernandez,A. Juste,M. Martinez,S. Orteu,A. Pacheco,C. Padilla,A. Pascual,I. Riu,F. Sanchez,F. Teubert,A. Colaleo,D. Creanza,M. de Palma,G. Gelao,M. Girone,G. Iaselli,G. Maggi,M. Maggi,N. Marinelli,S. Nuzzo,A. Ranieri,G. Raso,F. Ruggieri,G. Selvaggi,L. Silvestris,P. Tempesta,G. Zito,X. Huang,J. Lin,Q. Ouyang,T. Wang,Y. Xie,R. Xu,S. Xue,J. Zhang,L. Zhang,W. Zhao,R. Alemany,M. Cattaneo,P. Comas,P. Coyle,H. Drevermann,M. Frank,R. Hagel,J. Harvey,P. Janot,B. Jost,E. Kneringer,J. Knobloch,I. Lehraus,G. Lutters,P. Mato,A. Minten,R. Miquel,M. Mir,L. Moneta,T. Oest,F. Ranjard,P. Rensing,L. Rolandi,D. Schlatter,M. Schmelling,O. Schneider,W. Tejessy,A. Venturi,H. Wachsmuth,A. Wagner,Z. Ajaltouni,A. Barr,C. Boyer,A. Falvard,P. Gay,P. Henrard,J. Jousset,B. Michel
Abstract:An analysis of the properties of hadronic final states produced in electron-positron annihilation at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV is presented. The measurements are based on a data sample of 5.7 pb(-1) collected in November 1995 with the ALEPH detector at LEP. Inclusive charged particle distributions, jet rates and event-shape distributions are measured and the results are compared with the predictions of QCD-based models. From the measured distributions quantities are determined for which the dependence on the centre-of-mass energy can be predicted by QCD, including the mean multiplicity of charged particles, the peak position of the inclusive distribution of xi = - 1nx(p) (x(p) = p/p(beam)), and the strong coupling constant alpha(s). The QCD predictions are tested by comparing with corresponding measurements at E(cm) = 91.2 GeV and at lower energies.