World-Sheet String Duality and the Hidden Supersymmetry

Tamiaki Yoneya
Abstract:It is reviewed how space-time supersymmetry is realized nonlinearly in open superstring theory without making the GSO projection. We show that the world-sheet string dualities, viz. dualities of open-closed strings and of open-open strings, play crucial roles for the existence of 10 dimensional N=2 supersymmetry in a spontaneously broken phase. We also speculate on a possible mechanism of the restoration of supersymmetry from the viewpoint of world-sheet dynamics.
High Energy Physics - Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problems that this paper attempts to solve are: in open superstring theory, how to achieve a non - linear realization of spacetime supersymmetry (SUSY) without performing GSO projection, and to explore the crucial role of world - sheet string dualities in the 10 - dimensional N = 2 supersymmetry spontaneous - breaking phase. In addition, the author also speculates on the possible mechanisms for restoring supersymmetry from the spontaneous - breaking phase. ### Specific problems and goals 1. **Non - linear realization of supersymmetry**: - The paper studies how to achieve spacetime supersymmetry in open superstring theory without performing GSO projection. GSO projection is a method usually used to eliminate certain unwanted states (such as tachyons), but here the author chooses not to use it in order to explore the hidden supersymmetry. 2. **The role of world - sheet string dualities**: - The author emphasizes the importance of world - sheet string dualities (such as open - closed string dualities and open - open string dualities) in the presence of the 10 - dimensional N = 2 supersymmetry spontaneous - breaking phase. These dualities ensure that even in the case of spontaneous breaking, supersymmetry still exists in some hidden form. 3. **Mechanisms for restoring supersymmetry**: - The author also explores the potential mechanisms for restoring supersymmetry from the spontaneous - breaking phase, especially in the low - energy approximation, restoring supersymmetry through specific fermionic bilinear condensations. ### Main content - **Evidence of hidden supersymmetry**: - The author shows the one - loop partition function in the NSR form of a single D9 - brane without performing GSO projection, and explains why this partition function is non - zero, which indicates the hidden existence of supersymmetry. - **Nambu - Goldstino states**: - In the context of spontaneously broken supersymmetry, the author studies the possibility of massless Ramond fermions as Nambu - Goldstino states, which is an important indication of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. - **Low - energy effective theory**: - The author derives the low - energy effective Lagrangian describing Goldstino scattering, and explains why in the zero - momentum limit, the four - fermion scattering amplitude must vanish in order to preserve supersymmetry. - **World - sheet mechanisms for supersymmetry restoration**: - Finally, the author speculates on a possible mechanism, that is, restoring supersymmetry by dynamically changing the world - sheet boundary conditions, especially when the boundary conditions allow left - and right - moving to propagate independently. ### Summary The main purpose of this paper is to understand how to achieve and restore supersymmetry in open superstring theory without performing GSO projection, and to explore the crucial role of world - sheet string dualities in this context.