Origin of `end of aging' and sub-aging scaling behavior in glassy dynamics
Paolo Sibani,Gregory G. Kenning
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.81.011108
Abstract:Linear response functions of aging systems are routinely interpreted using the scaling variable $t_{\rm obs}/t_{\rm w}^\mu$,where $t_{\rm w}$ is the time at which the field conjugated to the response is turned on or off, and where $t_{\rm obs}$ is the `observation' time elapsed from the field change. The response curve obtained for different values of $t_w$ are usually collapsed using values of $\mu$ slightly below one, a scaling behavior generally known as \emph{sub-aging}. Recent spin glass Thermoremanent Magnetization experiments have shown that the value of $\mu$ is strongly affected by the form of the initial cooling protocol (Rodriguez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 037203, 2003), and even more importantly, (Kenning et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 057201, 2006) that the $t_{\rm w}$ dependence of the response curves vanishes altogether in the limit $t_{\rm obs} \gg t_{\rm w}$. The latter result shows that the widely used $t_{\rm obs}/t_{\rm w}^\mu$ scaling of linear response data cannot be generally valid, and casts some doubt on the theoretical significance of the exponent $\mu$. In this work, a common mechanism is proposed for the origin of both sub-aging and end of aging behavior in glassy dynamics. The mechanism combines real and configuration space properties of the state produced by the initial thermal quench which initiates the aging process.
Statistical Mechanics,Soft Condensed Matter