Generation of high energy laser-driven electron and proton sources with the 200 TW system VEGA 2 at the Centro de Laseres Pulsados
L. Volpe,R. Fedosejevs,G. Gatti,J.A. Pérez-Hernández,C. Méndez,J. Apiñaniz,X. Vaisseau,C. Salgado,M. Huault,S. Malko,G. Zeraouli,V. Ospina,A. Longman,D. De Luis,K. Li,O. Varela,E. García,I. Hernández,J.D. Pisonero,J. García Ajates,J. M. Alvarez,C. García,M. Rico,D. Arana,J. Hernández-Toro,L. Roso
Abstract:The Centro de Laseres Pulsados in Salamanca Spain has recently started operation phase and the first User access period on the 6 J 30 fs 200 TW system (VEGA 2) already started at the beginning of 2018. In this paper we report on two commissioning experiments recently performed on the VEGA 2 system in preparation for the user campaign. VEGA 2 system has been tested in different configurations depending on the focusing optics and targets used. One configuration (long focal length f=130 cm) is for under-dense laser-matter interaction where VEGA 2 is focused onto a low density gas-jet generating electron beams (via laser wake field acceleration mechanism) with maximum energy up to 500 MeV and an X-ray betatron source with a 10 keV critical energy. A second configuration (short focal length f=40 cm) is for over-dense laser-matter interaction where VEGA 2 is focused onto an 5 microns thick Al target generating a proton beam with a maximum energy of 10 MeV and average energy of 7-8 MeV and temperature of 2.5 MeV. In this paper we present preliminary experimental results.
Plasma Physics,Applied Physics