The Mediation Effect of Satisfaction with Major Regarding the Effect of Major Selection Motive on Career Preparation Behaviors – Focused on Art, Music, and Physical Education Students

Sun-Hee Song,S. Yoon
Abstract:The decrease in the number of school-age population, the introduction of university evaluation and educational capacity enhancement projects have made the enrollment rate and employment rate important indicators. Accordingly, universities are making great efforts to improve the competitiveness of their universities by increasing students' major satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to find out whether art and music students major selection motivsion of affects major satisfaction for career preparation behavior. For this survey, students of arts and physical education at K University in Gyeonggi-do were surveyed and 197 questionnaires were used as analysis data. As a result of the study, it was found that major selection motivation had a significant static effect on career preparation behavior and major satisfaction, and major satisfaction was analyzed to have a complete mediating effect on the effect of major selection motivation on career preparation behavior. With on the results of this study, in the future, universities will need an efficient curriculum to enhance students' majors satisfaction. To that end, we should develop the theoretical and practical curriculum so that students can actively participate, operate programs such as operation of comparative subjects and on-demand education, and raise the level of education. To this end, the interest and active support of the industry-academia-research are required. ■ keyword :∣Major Selection Motivation∣Career Preparation Behavior∣Major Satisfaction∣Enrollment Rate∣ Employment Rate∣ 접수일자 : 2020년 01월 21일 수정일자 : 2020년 03월 30일 심사완료일 : 2020년 03월 30일 교신저자 : 송선희, e-mail : 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 '20 Vol. 20 No. 4 592
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