Affecting Factors in Job-seeking Stress among Health Care Related Students

Abstract:The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between self-esteem, appearance satisfaction, interpersonal relationship, and job-seeking stress in health care related students and to investigate the factors influencing college students' job-seeking stress. A self-report type survey was conducted targeting a total of 184 of college students in a city from June 11 to 15, 2018 were enrolled. The results are as followed; The strongest predictor of job-seeking stress was self-esteem (β=-.407, p<.001). Self-esteem, employment impact of appearance, academic grade accounted for 18.5% of job-seeking stress based on multiple regression analysis. In order to reduce the job-seeking stress of health care related students, it is necessary to develop a personalized employment program for each major field and individual that can improve the self-esteem of the individual. ■ keyword :∣Job-seeking Stress∣Self-esteem∣Appearance Satisfaction∣Interpersonal Relationship∣ 접수일자 : 2018년 08월 22일 수정일자 : 2018년 10월 10일 심사완료일 : 2018년 10월 17일 교신저자 : 심선숙, e-mail : I. 서 론
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