A Comprehensive Analysis of Y-Chromosome Microdeletions and Their Relationship to Male Infertility and Lifestyle Variables
Manisha B Sinha,Dharam S Rathia,Rima Dada,Human P Sinha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.57375
Abstract:Background: Male infertility is the inability of a male to conceive a fertile female during at least a year of unprotected sexual activity. A variety of medical conditions and treatments cause male infertility. Y chromosome microdeletion is an important cause of infertility among males. Various epidemiological factors also play a role in the occurrence of infertility. Our study aims to determine the association between Y-chromosome microdeletion and age, sperm count, body mass index (BMI), alcohol, and tobacco consumption. Methods: This study was conducted in 70 male infertility cases. Data was collected from 2018 to 2023 at the Genetic Lab, Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. Demographic profiles, including age, sperm count, weight and height, and history of smoking and drinking, were collected from individuals. BMI was calculated, and chromosome analysis was done for Y chromosome microdeletion. Both multiplex and singleplex methods were used to determine the microdeletion using a thermocycler (Applied Biosystems, VeritiTM 96-well Fast Thermal Cycler, 0.2 ml USA) in AZF, and the association between age, sperm count, BMI, alcohol, and tobacco was determined. Results: The number of regions deleted among individuals varies from one to seven. Regions Sy746, Sy143, and Sy145 were found to be commonly deleted. We found a positive, but not statistically significant, correlation between age and microdeletion (point biserial correlation coefficient (r) = 0.2, p-value = 0.097). When comparing age with sperm count, the results showed a negative correlation, highlighting the influence of age on sperm count (r (68) = 0.284, p = 0.017). In comparing BMI and microdeletion, no significant relationship (χ² = 3.7, p = 0.296) indicated independence between them. According to our observations, microdeletion affects all smokers and 45% of non-smokers. We found a significant association between smoking and microdeletion (χ2 = 4.49, P = 0.034). There was no statistically significant relationship between microdeletion and drinking (χ²(3) = 5.65, p = 0.13). Conclusion: We discovered a significant positive association between smoking and a positive, but not statistically significant, correlation between age, BMI, and drinking, as well as a microdeletion. There are probably a lot of unidentified variables that affect successful fertilization and implantation. These could include variables that affect fertility and the success of reproduction on an environmental, genetic, and epigenetic level. The study reveals that Y chromosome microdeletion and other epidemiological factors coexist concurrently in cases of infertility. Assessing these variables is crucial for infertile patients. A community-based, comprehensive survey is required to assess the overall consequences of various epidemiological factors on infertility.