ECEI characterization of pedestal fluctuations in quiescent H-mode plasmas in DIII-D
G. Yu,R. Nazikian,Yilun Zhu,Yuan Zheng,G. Kramer,A. Diallo,Zeyu Li,Xi Chen,D. Ernst,Yan Zheng,M. Austin,N. Luhmann, Jr.
Abstract:Electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) is employed to characterize the magneto hydraulics dynamics (MHD) fluctuations at the quiescent H-mode pedestals in DIII-D. Pedestal MHD fluctuations cause ECE radiation temperature fluctuations δTe,rad in both the pedestal and scrape-off-layer (SOL). A synthetic ECE platform is utilized for detailed interpretation of the ECEI signals in the SOL and pedestal regions. It is observed that the ECE radiation δTe,rad , which is located in the SOL region according to the cold and optically thick plasma resonance assumption, is extremely sensitive to MHD radial displacements near the separatrix, exhibiting radiation inversion to δTe,rad at the pedestal. Here, the radiation inversion refers to the opposite phase between the radiation fluctuation at the pedestal and the radiation fluctuation at the SOL. Consequently, the quasi-coherent MHD (QCM), which displays a radiation inversion, is found to be consistent with an MHD radial structure that has a strong displacement near the separatrix. In contrast, the edge harmonic oscillation (EHO), which displays weak or no inversion, is found to be consistent with an MHD radial displacement structure peaking at the pedestal top. The ECEI data, interpreted with synthetic ECE, are in qualitative agreement with beam emission spectroscopy measurements on DIII-D for the relative radial extent and localization of the EHO and QCM. The high sensitivity of ECE radiation to separatrix displacements can be used to detect turbulence or MHD fluctuations near the separatrix, which may affect the transport across the separatrix and the wetted area in the divertor. The δTe,rad inversion measured with an ECE or ECEI system potentially provides important information on the magnetic field Bsep at the separatrix, which helps constrain the pedestal equilibrium reconstruction and achieve an unambiguous mapping of the ECE/ECEI system with respect to the separatrix.