Neurological outcome of childhood brain tumor survivors
Sari Pietilä,Raija Korpela,Hanna L. Lenko,Hannu Haapasalo,Riitta Alalantela,Pirkko Nieminen,Anna-Maija Koivisto,Anne Mäkipernaa
Abstract:We assessed neurological and neurocognitive outcome in childhood brain tumor survivors. Altogether, 75 out of 80 brain tumor survivors diagnosed below 17 years between 1983 and 1997; and treated in Tampere University Hospital, Finland, were invited to participate in this population-based cross-sectional study. Fifty-two (69%) participated [mean age 14.2 (3.8–28.7) years, mean follow-up 7.5 (1.5–15.1) years]. Neurological status was abnormal in 69% cases. All were ambulatory, but only 50% showed normal motor function. Twenty-nine percent showed clumsiness/mild asymmetry and 21% hemiparesis. One suffered from intractable epilepsy. According to structured interview, 87% coped normally in daily living. Median full-scale IQ was 85 (39–110) in 21 6–16 year olds (70%); in 29% IQ was <70. Thirty of the 44 school-aged subjects attended school with normal syllabus and 32% needed special education. Six of the 16 patients over 18 years of age were working. Regarding quality of life, 38% were active without disability, 33% active with mild disability, 21% were partially disabled, but capable of self-care, and 8% had severe disability, being incapable of self-care. Supratentorial/hemispheric tumor location, tumor reoperations, shunt revisions and chemotherapy were associated with neurological, cognitive and social disabilities. In conclusion, of the 52 survivors, neurological status was abnormal in 69%; 71% lived an active life with minor disabilities, 29% had major neurological, cognitive and social disabilities, and 8% of them were incapable of self-care. Predictors of these disabilities included supratentorial/hemispheric tumor location, tumor reoperations, shunt revisions and chemotherapy. Survivors need life-long, tailor-made multiprofessional support and follow-up.
oncology,clinical neurology