Xu Yuanchong’s Theory of “Three Beauties” and His Poetry Translation Practice
Qin Xu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54097/a2vmkm45
Abstract:Xu Yuanchong is a master of English translation of ancient Chinese poetry. In the long translation practice, Xu Yuanchong has formed his own unique translation style. He applied Lu Xun’s theory of “three beauties” to English and French translation of classical Chinese poetry, and put forward the theory of “three beauties” in poetry translation, that is, translation of poetry should convey the beauty of meaning, beauty of sound and beauty of form of the original poem as far as possible. At the same time, he pointed out that among the three beauties, beauty of meaning is the most important, beauty of sound is the second, followed by beauty of the form. However, a general survey of Xu Yuanchong’s poetry translation practice showed that in the specific process of poetry translation, Xu started more from the beauty of form, and then to the beauty of sound and beauty of sense, and gradually achieved the perfect state of “three beauties” in poetry translation.