Socio-Cultural Discourses of Children Engaged in Child Labor in India: A Macro-Ethnographic Study
Pareek Bharat,Nidhi Dhimaan,Sudha A Raddi,Lekha Bist,Kamaljit Kaur,Jyoti Tiwari,Daljit Kaur
Abstract:Background: Child labor is considered one of the main social problems that affect the community and has a physical and psychosocial impact on a child's health, growth, and development. The study aimed to describe the sociocultural discourses of children involved in child labor. A macroethnographic approach was used to collect the data from the selected community areas of Punjab, India. Materials and methods: A community-based qualitative study using purposive sampling was carried out among children engaged in child labor (n = 8). The data were gathered through in-depth or semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation under four phases: community context assessment, egocentric network analysis, validation, and dissemination of study findings. The guide for consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) was followed. Ongoing analysis was conducted using Spradley's analysis approach to identify the themes. Results: Thematic analysis resulted in the emergence of various themes related to child labor, namely, adaptability, money-centric attitude, sense of being underserved, social deprivation, work burden, reduced emotional expression, workaholism, abuse, family shoulder, family cohesion, and sense of industry. Apart from that, inhuman living and working conditions, as well as school deprivation among study subjects, were observed. Poverty emerged as the single most compelling factor for child labor in India. Conclusion: The study concluded that child labor had a negative impact on children's overall development. An effective intervention to stop child labor is if vulnerable children are identified through primary healthcare, and a relationship of trust is built that allows for the provision of health care, education, support, and referral to additional services outside the health sector.