Modeling long-term transfers of radiocesium in farmland under different tillage and cover crop treatments
Peiran Li,Yingting Gong,Taku Tanaka,Yves Thiry,Qiliang Huang,Masakazu Komatsuzaki
Abstract:The 2011 nuclear accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) prompted inquiries about the long-term transfer of Cesium-137 (137Cs) from soil to agricultural plants. In this context, numerical modeling is particularly useful for the long-term evaluation of the consequences of agroecosystem contamination. Agricultural practices, such as tillage and cover cropping, play key roles in 137Cs recycling in agroecosystems. In this study, we used 10-year monitoring data to develop a dynamic model to predict 137Cs redistribution (via uptake, litterfall, translocation, and percolation) under different tillage (no-tillage, NT; rotary cultivation, RC; moldboard plow, MP) and cover crop (rye; hairy vetch; fallow weed) treatments. The verification exercise and assessment results indicated the model's reliability, as the temporal dynamics of predicted values agreed with observed values. Tillage significantly influenced the 137Cs distribution in soil, thereby decreasing plant uptake of 137Cs, whereas cover crop exerted a minimal effect on 137Cs cycling. Furthermore, while the 137Cs concentrations in soybean grain under RC and NT treatments were comparable 62 years after the FDNPP accident, the concentration under MP treatment remained consistently the lowest. Despite natural decay being the main cause of the decreased global 137Cs level in the agroecosystem, with minimal losses from percolation to deeper soil layers and soybean harvesting, adopting an appropriate tillage practice was shown to promote a long-term reduction of 137Cs concentration in crops. Finally, to improve the model's accuracy, further research should consider incorporating the effects of soil properties and extreme weather events on 137Cs flow into the model, as these factors are essential for realizing improved agroecosystem predictions.