International Law at a Time of Perplexity: Essays in Honour of Shabtai Rosenne. Editor, Yoram Dinstein; associate editor, Mala Tabory. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 1989. Pp. xxxiii, 1056. US $250.00 (hardcover).

R. Snyder
Abstract:The Editor and the Publisher strong ly indi cate that the presen t work will be supplemented and updated. Moreover, the publicati on provides "a non-printed cumula tive source of information conta ined in both the Con sol idat ion and subseq uent Curren t Treaty Index publicati on s in the H ein 's United Sta tes Index 0 1/ CD -ROM, whi ch enables search and retri eval of the indexed informa tion by computer" (v. I, Int roduction, p, viii ). The wor k by Professor Kavass is an indi spensable item for every govern ment office, legal institution, and library orga niza tion. It could and sho uld be used as a model and pattern to follow for covering similar kinds of materials dealing with other count ries throughout the world.
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