Time-domain model for wheel-rail noise analysis at high operation speed

Xin Zhou,Jian Han,Guo-tang Zhao,Shuoqiao Zhong,Xin-biao Xiao,Xue-song Jin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/JZUS.A1600692
Abstract:This paper develops a numerical model for wheel-rail noise analysis in the time-domain. This model for wheel-rail noise is based on vehicle-track coupling dynamics considering the effect of flexible wheelsets and track, and a transient wheel-rail noise prediction method. This model can approximatively characterize the components of vibration and noise in the frequency range up to 3.5 kHz. The wheel-rail forces are calculated and shown in both time and frequency domains by using the vehicletrack coupling dynamic model. Then the vibration and sound of the flexible wheelset are calculated by the transient finite elementboundary element (FE-BE) prediction model at 300 km/h, in which the effects of random irregularity and discrete supporting excitation are considered. The numerical results calculated by using the present model are discussed. The present model is also used to calculate the effect of corrugation with wavelengths of 40 mm to 300 mm on wheel-rail noise. The numerical results can be useful for academic research and engineering application to railway noise and vibration.中文概要目 的建立高速列车时域轮轨噪声预测模型, 考虑轮对柔性对轮轨噪声的影响, 预测高速列车轮轨噪声的时域特性和频域特性, 为高速轮轨时域噪声预测的学术研究和工程应用提供重要参考。创新点基于考虑轮对柔性的刚柔耦合车辆-轨道耦合动力学以及混合有限元-边界元方法, 建立高速轮轨噪声时域模型。其中将柔性轮对的时域建模与轮轨噪声预测相结合是本文主要创新点。方 法1. 通过考虑柔性轮对的车辆-轨道刚柔耦合动力学模型(图1)获得轮轨力, 然后基于时域有限元-边界元方法(图3), 计算轮轨振动与噪声的时域结果, 进而通过傅里叶变换得到频域结果。结 论1. 考虑轮对柔性与否, 对低频轮轨力的影响较小。其主要差别体现在中高频范围, 具体表现为: 考虑轮对柔性后, 当粗糙度波长与轮对固有频率重合时, 轮轨力会降低; 当粗糙度波长与轮对反共振峰重合时, 轮轨力会提高; 此外, 因为考虑了轮对柔性以及接触的非线性, 高频轮轨力的波动比考虑刚性轮对的轮轨力更为明显。2. 在500 Hz以下, 考虑柔性轮对和刚性轮对得到的轮对振动和噪声差别不大, 而在500 Hz 以上的中高频范围内, 振动噪声会出现更多的峰值和谷值; 在中高频范围内, 使用刚性轮对会低估轮轨噪声的水平。3. 轮轨噪声在总体趋势上随着波磨波长的增加而降低; 在某些敏感波长对应的频率处, 轮对或轨道的模态会被激发, 使得轮轨噪声出现局部峰值。
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