Undiagnosed Diabetes or Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Cardiovascular Risk
R. Eastman,C. Cowie,M. Harris
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2337/diacare.20.2.127
Diabetes Care
Abstract:NIDDM (or type II diabetes) was estimated in 1995 to affect ~15 million people in the U.S. (1). The prevalence has increased steadily since at least 1958, when modern national survey data were first collected, and shows no sign of decreasing (2). A substantial proportion of the U.S. population has asymptomatic hyperglycemia (undiagnosed diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance [IGT]). For example, about half of the people with diabetes are unaware of their disease because they are asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic. IGT is a dysglycemic state that is intermediate between normal and diabetes (3). At any age, about as many people have IGT as have NIDDM (diagnosed and undiagnosed). For example, between the ages of 45 and 74 years, 16.1% of non-Hispanic whites have IGT, while 5.9 and 6.1% have diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes, respectively (2). In the age range 65-74 years, ~35% of the population has asymptomatic hyperglycemia (either IGT or undiagnosed diabetes). Rates in many minority populations are 1.5-2 times higher than in non-Hispanic whites. Asymptomatic hyperglycemia is a significant public health problem. Those with undiagnosed diabetes develop microvascular complications: 20% have retinopathy estimated to occur 9-12 years after the actual onset of the disease, at the time of clinical diagnosis of diabetes (4). Another 5-10% also have significant diabetic neuropathy or incipient nephropathy (microalbuminuria) (5,6). Asymptomatic hyperglycemia confers an increased cardiovascular risk, independent of the classic heart disease risk factors. For people with IGT or undiagnosed diabetes, cardiovascular risk factors are equal to and, in some cases, greater than in patients with diagnosed diabetes, while evidence of cardiovascular disease is intermediate between normal glucose tolerance and clinical diabetes (7). In sum, asymptomatic hyperglycemia is very common in the U.S. and conveys high risk for microvascular and macrovascular complications. In this issue of Diabetes Care, Lowe et al. (8) report on the 22-year follow-up of men with asymptomatic hyperglycemia identified in 1967-1973 by the Chicago Heart Association Detection Project. Although the classification of glucose tolerance by 1-h 50-g oral glucose tolerance test is not directly comparable to either World Health Organization or National Diabetes Data Group diagnostic criteria, it is likely that the majority of individuals identified with asymptomatic hyperglycemia would be categorized as having undiagnosed diabetes or IGT. The study is significant because it provides long-term follow-up data on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality and includes a cohort of black men. The analysis shows a gradation of risk for mortality, with those having asymptomatic hyperglycemia being intermediate between normal and symptomatic diabetes. Although not statistically significant for black men (possibly because of relatively small sample size), the trend is in the same direction as in white men, for whom the results were highly significant. The increased risk of death associated with asymptomatic hyperglycemia persisted after adjustment for smoking status, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and BMI. Thus, this report indicates that asymptomatic hyperglycemia is an independent risk factor for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Several studies have found, for patients with diagnosed diabetes, a strong relationship between glycemia and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality (9-11). The report by Lowe et al. (8) extends these observations, showing increased mortality risk in those without clinical diabetes. While these studies do not definitively establish that hyperglycemia causes vascular disease, they do show that hyperglycemia is potentially a cause of macrovascular disease. Pathophysiological mechanisms that have been suggested to account for the increased risk of cardiovascular disease include accumulation of advanced glycosylation end products, increased vascular permeability and loss of elasticity of vessel walls, abnormalities in lipoprotein particle composition, and increased thrombus formation. If glycemia is a component of the etiology of macrovascular disease, efforts to control hypertension, dyslipidemia, and smoking are likely to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease but, most importantly, will not eliminate the risk associated with hyperglycemia. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial clearly showed that the incidence and progression of microvascular complications was substantially reduced by intensive treatment of glycemia (12). In the absence of a clinical trial showing that treatment of dysglycemia reduces cardiovascular risk, treatment of glycemia to prevent macrovascular disease is unlikely to be implemented as public health policy or to be reimbursed by third-party payers. However, a number of community-based studies of representative samples of patients with clinical diabetes have shown that glycemia is not well controlled in the U.S. In these studies, mean fasting plasma glucose was 160-240 mg/dl and mean postchallenge plasma glucose was 250-360 mg/dl (13). If the relationship between glycemia and macrovascular disease were clearly established, a substantial proportion of people with diabetes might benefit from blood glucose control. Whether treatment of hyperglycemia reduces mortality risk is the subject of current clinical trials. The U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study is studying the effect of intensive treatment of glycemia in patients with newly diagnosed NIDDM (14). Cardiovascular disease and mortality are being assessed during the follow-up, and the study has sufficient statistical power to detect a clinically significant effect on these outcomes. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a multicenter clinical trial sponsored by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The study will identify adults with approximately a 20-fold excess risk of developing diabetes (75 per 1,000 person-years) compared with those over age 25 in the U.S., in whom the risk is ~3.68 per 1,000 personyears (2). This magnitude of excess risk is