Petrography and Geochemistry of the Leanardville Kimberlite

R. Dyer,D. Brookins,Riley County
Abstract:The Leonardville kimberlite intrudes Lower Permian sedimentary rocks forms a slight topographic high) and has a magnetic direction approximately normal to the axis of the Abilene Anticline. The Leonardville kimberlite is a medium-grained intrusive kimerlite breccia. Most inclusions consist of country rocksa but two igneous inclusions were also noted. The minerals at Leonardville are: serpentinized olivine and pyroxene, severely altered biotite or phlogopite, garnet (50 percent pyrope, 30 percent almandine 20 percent grossularite), ilmenite magnetite, hematite, lizardite, vermiculite, calcite, barite and possibly perovskite, pyrite, zircon, chromiten apatite, and dolomite. Purple garnets have an index of refraction of 1.755 and a unit cell of 11.59 A. The orange-yellow garnets have an index of refraction of 1.750 and a unit cell of 11.56 A. Magnetite has a unit cell of 8.40 A and a density of 5.18. Ilmenite has the following unit cell: a = 5.06 A C 14.0 A and has a density of 4.39. Lizardite has C = 7.36 A. Mica has C = 14.4 A. Neutron activation analysis of the whole rock revealed 774 ppm La, 19 ppm Sc and 13 ppm Sm and Tb, Na, Mn, Pb, Eu, Fe, Cr, V, K, and Co. Whole rock Sr content is estimated at 1000-1500 ppm. The whole rock Sr87/Sr86 ratio is 0.709, a composite garnet Sr87/Sr86 ratio is 0.7076 and a vein calcite is 0.7048. Geologic Setting The Leonardville kimberlite is one of six kimberlites in Riley CountyX Kansas. Five crop out in the upper Chase Group, Gearyan Stage, Lower Permian Series of the Permian System which consists of bed of shale, carbonate rocks and a few sandstones. The Leonardville kimberlite crops out in the Winfield Limestone, which is the uppermost formation o£ ie Chase Group at SE1/4 NE1W4 Sec. 22, T8S, R5E. The outcrop forms a slight topographic high of about five feet on the flank of a long, gently sloping hill with a relief of no more than 40 feet. The outcrop area is roughly ovalX having axes of 100 feet and 60 feet. The main structural feature,, to which the kimberlites of Riley County may be related, is the Abilene Anticline. The magnetic trends of the
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