Existence of meromorphic solutions of first order difference equations
Risto Korhonen,Yueyang Zhang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1708.07647
Abstract:It is shown that if It is shown that if
\end{equation} where $R(z,f)$ is rational in $f$ with meromorphic coefficients and $°_f(R(z,f))=n$, has an admissible meromorphic solution, then either $f$ satisfies a difference linear or Riccati equation with meromorphic coefficients, or \eqref{abstract_eq} can be transformed into one in a list of ten equations with certain meromorphic or algebroid coefficients. In particular, if \eqref{abstract_eq}, where the assumption $°_f(R(z,f))=n$ has been discarded, has rational coefficients and a transcendental meromorphic solution $f$ of hyper-order $<1$, then either $f$ satisfies a difference linear or Riccati equation with rational coefficients, or \eqref{abstract_eq} can be transformed into one in a list of five equations which consists of four difference Fermat equations and one equation which is a special case of the symmetric QRT map. Solutions to all of these equations are presented in terms of Weierstrass or Jacobi elliptic functions, or in terms of meromorphic functions which are solutions to a difference Riccati equation. This provides a natural difference analogue of Steinmetz' generalization of Malmquist's theorem.
Complex Variables