Solving quaternion nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations through zeroing neural networks
Houssem Jerbi,Izzat Al-Darraji,Saleh Albadran,Sondess Ben Aoun,Theodore E. Simos,Spyridon D. Mourtas,Vasilios N. Katsikis
AIMS Mathematics
Abstract:Many variations of the algebraic Riccati equation (ARE) have been used to study nonlinear system stability in the control domain in great detail. Taking the quaternion nonsymmetric ARE (QNARE) as a generalized version of ARE, the time-varying QNARE (TQNARE) is introduced. This brings us to the main objective of this work: finding the TQNARE solution. The zeroing neural network (ZNN) technique, which has demonstrated a high degree of effectiveness in handling time-varying problems, is used to do this. Specifically, the TQNARE can be solved using the high order ZNN (HZNN) design, which is a member of the family of ZNN models that correlate to hyperpower iterative techniques. As a result, a novel HZNN model, called HZ-QNARE, is presented for solving the TQNARE. The model functions fairly well, as demonstrated by two simulation tests. Additionally, the results demonstrated that, while both approaches function remarkably well, the HZNN architecture works better than the ZNN architecture.
mathematics, applied