Noise-induced phase transitions in hybrid quantum circuits
Shuo Liu,Ming-Rui Li,Shi-Xin Zhang,Shao-Kai Jian,Hong Yao
Abstract:The presence of quantum noises inherent to real physical systems can strongly impact the physics in hybrid quantum circuits with local random unitaries and mid-circuit measurements. The quantum noises with a size-independent occurring probability can lead to the disappearance of a measurement-induced entanglement phase transition and the emergence of a single area-law phase. In this work, we investigate the effects of quantum noises with size-dependent probabilities $q=p/L^{\alpha}$ where $\alpha$ represents the scaling exponent. We have identified a noise-induced entanglement phase transition from a volume law to a power (area) law in the presence (absence) of measurements as $p$ increases when $\alpha=1$. With the help of an effective statistical model, we reveal that the phase transition is of first-order arising from the competition between two types of spin configurations and shares the same analytical understanding as the noise-induced coding transition. This unified picture further deepens the understanding of the connection between entanglement behavior and the capacity of information protection. When $\alpha \neq 1$, one spin configuration always dominates regardless of $p$ and thus the phase transition disappears. Moreover, we highlight the difference between the effects of size-dependent bulk noise and boundary noises. We validate our analytical predictions with extensive numerical results from stabilizer circuit simulations.
Quantum Physics,Disordered Systems and Neural Networks,Statistical Mechanics,Strongly Correlated Electrons