(Effect of Muscle Location on The Organoleptic Quality of Ground Beef Jerky)

Fitrianingsih,H. Hafid,N. Rahayu
Abstract:This study aims to evaluate the effect of muscle location on the physical and organoleptic qualities of ground beef jerky. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and 4 replications and 15 panelists on the organoleptic test. The treatments used were thigh meat (P1), neck meat (P2), calf meat (P3), back meat (P4). The variables measured in this study were physical quality, namely yield, water holding capacity, degree of acidity (pH) and cooking loss, as well as organoleptic quality, namely color, aroma, taste, tenderness, texture, and general acceptance. The results showed that the physical quality of ground beef jerky had a significant effect on the pH value and cooking losses, but had no significant effect on water holding capacity and yield. Meanwhile, on the organoleptic quality, ground beef jerky had a significant effect on aroma. However, it did not significantly affect the color, taste, tenderness, texture and general acceptance. It can be concluded that the back meat produces the best quality in the production of ground beef jerky. Keywors: Ground beef jerky, thigh meat, calves, neck back, physical quality, organoleptic quality 1. Pendahuluan Daging sapi merupakan salah satu hasil peternakan sebagai sumber protein hewani dan sangat memenuhi kebutuhan bahan pangan Indonesia. Daging sapi potong telah menjadi salah satu bahan pangan yang dibutuhkan masyarakat, salah satunya daging bagian otot yang paha belakang memberikan tingkat konsistensi daging yang cukup tinggi, adanya perbedaan letak otot tubuh sebagai otot rangka berkaitan dengan ukuran serat otot dan kandungan jaringan ikat [1]. Paha bagian belakang memiliki karakteristik daging yang cenderung padat dengan sedikit lemak. Betis (Shank) merupakan bagian daging sapi yang memiliki banyak urat, memasaknya pun membutuhkan waktu lama, bagian ini biasa diambil di depan atas kaki, cita rasa legit dari sengkel juga membuat daging lebih liat dan tidak mudah JIPHO (Jurnal Ilmiah Perternakan Halu Oleo): Vol: 5, No 3, Juli 2023 Halaman:193-197 eISSN: 2548-1908 DOI: 10.56625/jipho.v5i3.35624
Agricultural and Food Sciences
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