[Can one talk of benzodiazepine "drunkenness"? About acute benzodiazepine intoxication, without suicidal or mortiferous tendencies]
P Menecier,M A Texier,R Las,L Ploton
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.encep.2011.03.004
Abstract:Backgrounds: When we refer to "drunkenness", more often than not, we think of alcohol or cannabis being the instigator rather than pharmacological drugs, even if outside the toxic origins, "drunkenness" may also occur without any substance intake: one can be drunk on love, poetry, music and even mania. Benzodiazepine "drunkenness" is not a classical notion in medicine. But the concept of addictology allows one to enlarge different approaches and to consider the relationship with psychoactive substances according to the same references. So, in a single fashion, between use and misuse, is it possible to resort to the same concepts for pharmacological drugs, including "drunkenness"? Clinical findings: Any intake of a psychoactive substance, limited in time, which will take the consumer some time to recover from, can be called simple use, intoxication or drunkenness. Intoxication is rather a classical medical concept linked with poisoning, and hence the toxicological aspects prevail particularly through the concept of a toxidrome. However, little research has been done on "drunkenness" in other medical aspects, neither psychological aspects nor sociological aspects. If poisoning is defined as soon as a poison is introduced into the body, the intoxication arises after a threshold (that toxicology usually defines), but no means are available to measure the onset of the inebriation, neither any ingested amounts nor any toxic concentration in the body. It is hard to define "drunkenness" simply. At first, it is most often seen as a pathology in medicine, unlike in every day life. "Drunkenness" can be the result of physiological disturbances, notably through the effects of substances and can therefore be the manifestation of a cerebral dysfunction. Alternatively, it can arise from a variation of emotional or sensorial stimuli. If the feelings associated with drunkenness are positive and pleasant a repetition will occur in the search to reproduce enjoyable effects in reference to neurophysiological models of reward systems of the brain, and can tend to be limited to a search for pleasure. Moreover, "drunkenness" may be considered as a leak, a regression or a kind of renouncement. It may sometimes be a search for sedation, for conscious sleep, or to avoid reality. And, finally, "drunkenness" may be suicidal. Since the launch of benzodiazepines on the market during the sixties, their prescription has developed, making them so readily available in France that they are nearly as easy to obtain as alcohol. The widespread diffusion of these psychoactive substances, obtained with or without medical prescription, renders them one of the principle means of chemically modulating thought and consciousness that has become accessible to all. One of the first reasons for this is the easy and wide prescription of these drugs by almost all practitioners. Choosing between benzodiazepines or alcohol (or associating both substances) is not fortuitous. Besides intoxication with pharmacological drugs, whether voluntary or otherwise, medication overdose and iatrogenic effects, there is an incidence of a substantial use of over the counter psychoactive drugs in order to trigger other effects than suicide or self-harm. This use of pharmacological drugs, sometimes referred to as "entertaining", can lead to massive intake with dramatic behavioural response. Is it then possible to use the same term "drunkenness" for a pharmacological drug-induced state as for a state provoked by other psychoactive substances with addictive potential ? The clinical presentation of benzodiazepine "drunkenness" resembles the pharmacological effects of these drugs. If we link alcoholic and benzodiazepine "drunkenness", we can draw a parallel between the properties, the action mechanisms, the effects and the risks incurred by the consumption of these two classes of psychotropics. The similarities concern the existence of a preclinical phase, of the same biochemical or neurophysiological basis, of the same properties, notably complex relationships with anxiety. They also have the same amnesiac effects, possible paradoxical effects, or sedation potentialities that may lead to coma, respiratory depression and death. But differences exist for benzodiazepines, in the lack of disinhibition effects, the lack of cerebellar effects, the variability of elimination kinetics according to the molecules, the rarity or the lack of "recreational" intakes, and the lack of easy blood level measurements. Conclusion: An attempt is made to outline the definition of benzodiazepine "drunkenness", including sociological, psychological, and medical dimensions beyond the sole toxicological aspects. So, studying the misuse of benzodiazepines in more detail including the acute effects such as "drunkenness", except suicidal or mortiferous tendencies, can allow further development of its recognition, screening and prevention.