Xiaoling Zhang,Liyin Shen,Yuzhe Wu,Linda C. N. Fan
International Journal of Strategic Property Management
Abstract:China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 has allowed both domestic and overseas real estate enterprises to compete under the same market conditions. This has led to a more rigorous competition in the Chinese real estate market. Understanding this challenge is essential as it enables real estate enterprises to assess their competitiveness properly, and therefore adapt to their competition environment by applying adequate methods to improve their competitiveness. This paper presents an understanding on the applicability of various established competitiveness assessment methods. The characteristics of real estate firms are also presented with the appreciation of the Chinese environment. The study investigates the applicability of various established competitiveness assessment methods for real estate organizations in China considering the characteristics of real estate industry and the comments of the interviewees. The understanding on this applicability leads to the development of a model-procedure for assessing the competitiveness of real estate firms. The model‐procedure employs various assessment methods in different stages in the process of examining the competitiveness of real estate businesses. The effectiveness of the application of the model‐procedure is evidenced through discussions with senior professionals. Then a case study is presented to illustrate how the model‐procedure can be applied. The findings of the study provide valuable references to study competitiveness assessment in other country's real estate industries. Santruka Nuo 2001 metu, kai Kinija tapo Pasaulines prekybos organizacijos (PPO) nare, ir vietines, ir užsienio nekilnojamojo turto imones gali konkuruoti tomis pačiomis rinkos salygomis. Del to konkurencija Kinijos nekilnojamojo turto rinkoje tapo tik aršesne. Ši iššūki būtina suprasti, nes jis nekilnojamojo turto imonems leidžia tinkamai ivertinti savo konkurencinguma, prisitai kyti prie konkurencines aplinkos bei pasirinkti adekva čius metodus konkurencingumui didinti. Straipsnyje apžvelgiama, kaip suprantamas ivairiu pripažin tu konkurencingumo vertinimo metodu tinkamumas. Pateikiamos Kinijos nekilnojamojo turto imoniu charakteristikos. Remiantis atlikto tyrimo rezultatais, nekilnojamojo turto sektoriaus charakteristikomis ir apklausoje dalyvavusiu asmenu komentarais, nagrinejamas ivairiu pripažin tu konkurencingumo vertinimo metodu tinkamumas Kinijoje veikiančioms nekilnojamojo turto organizacijoms. Suvokiant ši tinkamuma, galima sukurti procedūros modeli, kuri naudojant būtu vertinamas nekilnojamojo turto imoniu konkurencingumas. Ivairiais nekilnojamojo turto imoniu konkurencingumo tyrinejimo proceso etapais taikant procedūros modeli naudojami skirtingi vertinimo metodai. Mineto modelio taikymo efektyvumas aptariamas su šios srities profesionalais. Tada pateikiamas konkretaus atvejo, parodančio procedūros modelio taikyma, tyrimas, o jo išvados suteikia vertingos informacijos, kuria galima naudoti tyrinejant konkurencingumo vertinima kitos šalies nekilnojamojo turto sektoriuose.
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