Noninferior Immunogenicity and Consistent Safety of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prefusion F Protein Vaccine in Adults 50-59 Years Compared to ≥60 Years of Age
Murdo Ferguson,Tino F Schwarz,Sebastián A Núñez,Juan Rodríguez-García,Marek Mital,Carlos Zala,Bernhard Schmitt,Nicole Toursarkissian,Dolores Ochoa Mazarro,Josef Großkopf,Christine Voors-Pette,Hemalini Mehta,Hiwot Amare Hailemariam,Magali de Heusch,Bruno Salaun,Silvia Damaso,Marie-Pierre David,Dominique Descamps,Judith Hill,Corinne Vandermeulen,Veronica Hulstrøm,RSV OA=ADJ-018 Study Group,Khalid S Abd-Elaziz,Mark S Adams,Agnieszka Barts,Kevin Cannon,Matthew Davis,Sonia de Las Fuentes Galán,Marta de Los Ríos Rodríguez,Maria Cristina De Salvo,Lauren DeGregoria,Víctor Del Campo Pérez,Torsten Drescher,Rebecca Dunsmoor-Su,Peter Dzongowski,Jose Ma Echave-Sustaeta,Tamara Julia Eckermann,Ashley E Fuller,Jaume Garí Parera,Jean Sebastien Gauthier,Steven Geller,Wayne Ghesquiere,Antonio Gonzalez,Patricia González Cediel,Anton Grasch,Laura L Helman,Susan Hernandez,María Herranz Urbasos,Nicolas Itcovici,Terry Klein,Jorge Labrador Gómez,Antonio Lalueza Blanco,Ryan Leblanc,Matthias Luttermann,Kristen Marks,Cristina Masuet-Aumatell,Leonie Möckesch,Tamara Michelle Moreno Silva,Silvia Narejos Perez,Robert J Noveck,Jérôme C Oude Nijhuis,Jean-Sebastien Paquette,Bonavuth Pek,Georg Plassmann,Robert Pritt,Mireia Puig Palma,Claudio Rocha-Calderon,Paule Royer,David Shu,Ying Tung Sia,Angelika Sieber,Todd Simmons,Leslie Sinclair,William B Smith,Joseph Soufer,Ana Suarez Simón,Genoveva Vilardell Rifa,María Teresa Vilella Moreno,Ulrich Weber,Alba María Yañez de la Higuera,Pedro Ylisastigui
Abstract:Background: The adjuvanted respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) prefusion F protein-based vaccine (RSVPreF3 OA) is approved in adults aged ≥60 years. We evaluated RSVPreF3 OA immunogenicity and safety in adults aged 50-59 years without or with increased risk for RSV disease due to specific chronic medical conditions. Methods: This observer-blind, phase 3, noninferiority trial included adults aged 50-59 years, stratified into 2 subcohorts: those with and those without predefined, stable, chronic medical conditions leading to an increased risk for RSV disease. Participants in both subcohorts were randomized 2:1 to receive RSVPreF3 OA or placebo. A control group of adults aged ≥60 years received RSVPreF3 OA. Primary outcomes were RSV-A and RSV-B neutralization titers (geometric mean titer ratios and sero-response rate differences) 1 month post-vaccination in 50-59-year-olds versus ≥60-year-olds. Cell-mediated immunity and safety were also assessed. Results: The exposed population included 1152 participants aged 50-59 years and 381 participants aged ≥60 years. RSVPreF3 OA was immunologically noninferior in 50-59-year-olds versus ≥60-year-olds; noninferiority criteria were met for RSV-A and RSV-B neutralization titers in those with and those without increased risk for RSV disease. Frequencies of RSVPreF3-specific polyfunctional CD4+ T cells increased substantially from pre- to 1 month post-vaccination. Most solicited adverse events had mild-to-moderate intensity and were transient. Unsolicited and serious adverse event rates were similar in all groups. Conclusions: RSVPreF3 OA was immunologically noninferior in 50-59-year-olds compared to ≥60-year-olds, in whom efficacy was previously demonstrated. The safety profile in 50-59-year-olds was consistent with that in ≥60-year-olds. Clinical trial registration: NCT05590403.