Abstract:We compute gluelump masses and mass differences using SU(3) lattice gauge theory. We study states with total angular momentum up to J=3 , parity P=+,− , and charge conjugation C=+,− . Computations on four ensembles with rather fine lattice spacings in the range from 0.040 to 0.093 fm allow continuum extrapolations of gluelump mass differences. We complement existing results on hybrid static potentials with the obtained gluelump masses, which represent the limit of vanishing quark-antiquark separation. We also discuss the conversion of lattice gluelump masses to the renormalon subtracted scheme, which is e.g. important for studies of heavy hybrid mesons in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.109.034516 Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP 3 . Published by the American Physical Society
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper aims to solve the following problems:
1. **Accurately calculate the mass and mass splitting of Gluelump**: The author uses SU(3) lattice gauge theory to perform high - precision calculations of the mass and mass splitting of Gluelump. These calculations cover states with total angular momentum \(J\) up to 3, parity \(P\) being \(+\) or \(-\), and charge conjugation \(C\) being \(+\) or \(-\).
2. **Improve existing results**: The calculations in the paper are based on four ensembles with relatively fine lattice spacings (from 0.040 to 0.093 fm), allowing for a continuous extrapolation of the Gluelump mass splitting. This compensates for the problem of relatively old data in earlier studies and improves the precision of the calculations.
3. **Convert to the Renormalon Subtracted Scheme (RS scheme)**: The author converts the lightest Gluelump mass from the lattice scheme to the Renormalon Subtracted Scheme (RS scheme), which is a commonly used method in the Born - Oppenheimer effective field theory study of heavy hybrid mesons.
4. **Supplement the results of the mixed static potential**: By combining the obtained Gluelump masses with the existing results of the mixed static potential, the author further verifies the reliability and accuracy of these calculations.
### Paper background
Gluelump is a color - neutral state composed of a static adjoint color charge and gluons. Although they do not seem to exist in nature, they have important conceptual significance in some quantum chromodynamics (QCD) calculations. For example, in the Born - Oppenheimer effective field theory of heavy hybrid mesons, the Gluelump mass is a non - perturbative matching coefficient used to calculate the spectrum of heavy hybrid mesons. In addition, in supersymmetric models, the Gluelump mass also helps to study the spectra of additional bound states containing gluino partners.
### Methods
1. **Lattice gauge theory**: The author uses SU(3) lattice gauge theory for numerical calculations, which is achieved by solving the underlying quantum field theory on a hyper - cubic periodic space - time lattice.
2. **Multi - ensemble calculations**: Use four ensembles with different lattice spacings, calculate 20 Gluelump masses for each ensemble, and perform a continuous extrapolation of 19 Gluelump mass splittings.
3. **Systematic error estimation**: In addition to statistical errors, the systematic errors generated from extracting the asymptotic exponential behavior from the correlation function and the continuous extrapolation process are also estimated.
4. **Conversion to the RS scheme**: Convert the lightest Gluelump mass from the lattice scheme to the RS scheme to improve precision.
### Results
1. **Gluelump mass**: The author successfully calculated the masses of 20 Gluelumps and performed a continuous extrapolation of 19 Gluelump mass splittings.
2. **Continuous extrapolation**: By performing a linear fit on the data of three smaller lattice spacings, the continuous limit of the Gluelump mass splitting is obtained.
3. **RS scheme conversion**: Convert the lightest Gluelump mass to the RS scheme, and the results show that the current error is mainly dominated by the uncertainty on the perturbative side.
### Conclusion
This paper provides the latest results of Gluelump mass and mass splitting through high - precision lattice gauge theory calculations, fills the gaps in existing research, and provides an important reference for future theoretical and experimental research.